- Start Here
- Next Steps
- Building with VEX V5
- Coding with VEXcode V5
- Getting Started with VEX V5
- Getting Started with Your V5 Kit
- Selecting a V5 Robot Kit
- Get Started with Your V5 System Bundle
- In the Classroom
- VEX V5 STEM Lab Letters Home & Checklists
- Teaching EXP STEM Lab Units with VEX V5 Kits
- Teaching with VEX V5
- Using the VEX V5 Leaderboard
- V5 Editable SPARK STEM Lab Previews
- See all articles under the In the Classroom section.
- More Ways to Teach
- Using VEX V5 Activities in the Classroom
- Implementing V5 Learn Practice Compete STEM Lab Units
- Teacher Support Materials in V5 Learn Practice Compete STEM Labs
- Co-creating Learning Targets with Your Students
- Supporting Student Collaboration in V5 Learn Practice Compete STEM Labs
- See all articles under the More Ways to Teach section.
- Educator Resources
- Robot Brain
- Changing the Backlight Percentage on the V5 Brain
- Changing the Color Theme on the V5 Brain
- Changing the Rotation Orientation on the V5 Brain
- Mounting and Wiring the V5 Brain
- Resetting the V5 Brain to Default Values
- See all articles under the Robot Brain section.
- Robot Battery
- Charging the V5 Battery
- Connecting the V5 Battery
- Mounting and Wiring the V5 Battery
- Planning V5 Battery Charging
- V5 Battery Overview
- Controller
- Calibrating the V5 Controller
- Charging the VEX V5 Controller
- Making Selections from the V5 Controller Main Screen
- Pairing the V5 Controller with the V5 Brain for a Wireless Connection
- Resetting the V5 Controller
- See all articles under the Controller section.
- Radio
- Motor
- Troubleshooting VEX V5 Smart Motors
- Protecting Rev 10 V5 Smart Motors (11W) with Code
- Understanding V5 Smart Motor (11W) Performance
- Understanding V5 Smart Motor (5.5W) Performance
- Connecting and Configuring the Motor Controller 55
- V5 Sensors
- Overview of the VEX V5 Sensors
- Using the V5 3-Wire Expander
- Using the V5 Distance Sensor
- Using the V5 GPS Sensor
- Using the V5 Inertial Sensor
- See all articles under the V5 Sensors section.
- V5 3-Wire Devices
- Using 3-Wire Digital In/Digital Out Devices
- Using the V5 3-Wire Bumper Switch v2 & Limit Switch
- Using the V5 3-Wire LED Indicator
- Using the V5 3-Wire Light Sensor
- Using the V5 3-Wire Line Tracker
- See all articles under the V5 3-Wire Devices section.
- Using Sensors
- Coding the V5 Distance Sensor using Math Inequalities
- Connecting a 3-Wire Device to the V5 Brain
- Mounting and Wiring the V5 3-Wire Bumper Switch v2
- Troubleshooting VEX V5 Sensors
- Understanding the Alignment of the V5 Inertial Sensor
- Vision Sensor
- Connecting the V5 Vision Sensor to a Mobile Device
- Mounting and Wiring the V5 Vision Sensor
- Using the Vision Utility with the V5 Vision Sensor
- Cables
- Troubleshooting
- Assembly Tips
- Building V5 Robot Lift Systems
- Designing a V5 Chassis
- Creating a V5 Drivetrain
- Using Gear Ratios with the V5 Motor
- Stiffening a V5 Chassis
- See all articles under the Assembly Tips section.
- Motor
- Mounting and Wiring the V5 Motor
- Switching the V5 Motor Gear Cartridge
- Using Spur Gears with the V5 Motor
- V5 Motor Overview
- Viewing the V5 Motor Dashboard
- Mechanisms
- Building V5 Passive Manipulators
- Building V5 Robot Arms
- Building V5 Robot Claws
- Building with VEX V5 Motor Groups
- Repairing and Reassembling a V5 Clawbot Claw (V5 Claw Kit v2)
- See all articles under the Mechanisms section.
- Structure
- Overview of V5 Chains and Sprockets
- Overview of VEX Screws
- Removing V5 Stripped Screws
- Understanding and Using V5 Tools
- Understanding Standoff vs. Hex Nut Retainers
- See all articles under the Structure section.
- Competition Robots
- An Introduction to Axel: The 2024-2025 V5RC Hero Bot
- An Introduction to Disco: the 2022-2023 VRC Hero Bot
- An Introduction to Moby: the 2021-2022 VRC Hero Bot
- Connecting to the V5 Competition Field
- Flex Wheels for V5
- See all articles under the Competition Robots section.
- Pneumatics
- Understanding the V5 Pneumatics Kit Components
- Example V5 Pneumatics Kit Configurations
- Coding the V5 Pneumatics Kit
- Controlling Pneumatics Using Buttons on Your Controller
- Legacy Pneumatics
- Legacy - Selecting a Pneumatics Kit for the V5 System
- Legacy - Getting Started with Pneumatics with the V5 System
- Legacy - Preventing Air Leakage in a VEX Pneumatic System
- Safety
- Get Started
- Creating a New Project in VEXcode V5
- Get Started with VEXcode V5 Firmware
- New Features in VEXcode V5 4.0
- VEXos V5 Firmware Changelog
- Install
- Installing the VEX Drivers Installer for VEX V5
- Installing VEXcode V5 on Chromebook
- Installing VEXcode V5 on iPad
- Installing VEXcode V5 on macOS
- Installing VEXcode V5 on Windows
- See all articles under the Install section.
- Open and Save Blocks Projects
- Opening a VEXcode V5 Blocks Project on a Chromebook
- Opening a VEXcode V5 Blocks Project on an Android
- Opening a VEXcode V5 Blocks Project on an iPad
- Opening a VEXcode V5 Blocks Project on macOS
- Opening a VEXcode V5 Blocks Project on Windows
- See all articles under the Open and Save Blocks Projects section.
- Open and Save Python Projects
- Opening a V5 Python Project on Chromebook
- Opening a V5 Python Project on Windows
- Opening a VEXcode V5 Python Project on macOS
- Saving a V5 Python Project on Chromebook
- Saving a V5 Python Project on macOS
- See all articles under the Open and Save Python Projects section.
- Open and Save C++ Projects
- Opening a V5 C++ Project on Chromebook
- Opening a V5 C++ Project on Windows
- Opening a VEXcode V5 C++ Project on macOS
- Saving a V5 C++ Project on Chromebook
- Saving a V5 C++ Project on macOS
- See all articles under the Open and Save C++ Projects section.
- Connect to the Brain
- Configuring the V5 Brain for Coding over Bluetooth
- Connecting the V5 Brain to a Computer via USB
- Connecting to the User/Console Port in Web-Based VEXcode V5
- Connecting with App-Based VEXcode V5 - Chromebook
- Connecting with App-based VEXcode V5 - macOS
- See all articles under the Connect to the Brain section.
- Robot Config
- Adjusting the V5 Vision Sensor in VEXcode V5
- Configuring 3-Wire Devices in VEXcode V5
- Configuring 3-Wire Digital In and Digital Out Devices in VEXcode V5
- Configuring a 2-Motor Drivetrain (No Gyro) in VEXcode V5
- Configuring a 2-Motor Drivetrain in VEXcode V5
- See all articles under the Robot Config section.
- Blocks Tutorials
- Changing Block Size in VEXcode V5
- Configuring Sensors in VEXcode V5
- Converting a Blocks Project to Text in VEXcode V5
- Custom Controller Code in VEXcode V5
- Deleting a Block in VEXcode V5
- See all articles under the Blocks Tutorials section.
- Python Tutorials
- Accessing Help in a VEXcode V5 Python Project
- Data Logging with a VEX Brain and Sensors Using Python
- Starting, Downloading, and Running a Python Project in VEXcode V5
- Understanding the Colorization of Code in VEXcode V5 Python
- Using Comments in VEXcode V5 Python
- See all articles under the Python Tutorials section.
- C++ Tutorials
- Accessing Help in a VEXcode V5 C++ Project
- Starting, Downloading, and Running a VEXcode V5 C++ Project
- Using C++ Example Projects and Templates in VEXcode V5
- Using the C++ Autocomplete Feature in VEXcode V5
- Using the Code Viewer for C++ in VEXcode V5
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting VEXcode V5 Opening Slowly on Windows Computers
- Resolving "Invalid Asset Table" Errors on a VEX V5 Brain
- Troubleshooting Connecting to Web-based VEXcode V5
- Pre-Downloading a Project Checklist for VEXcode V5
- Understanding Download Errors in VEXcode V5
- See all articles under the Troubleshooting section.
- Project Help
- Playing Custom Imported Sounds in a VEXcode V5 Project
- Testing a VEXcode V5 Competition Template Project
- Viewing Tutorial Videos in VEXcode V5
- Examples
- IT Installation
- Installation
- VS Code Installation Guide for V5 on a Windows Device
- VS Code Installation Guide for V5 on a macOS Device
- Installing the VEX Extension, C/C++ Extension, and Python Extension in VS Code
- Using the VS Code Extension
- Downloading and Running a VEX Project in VS Code
- Accessing Help in a VEX VS Code Project
- Using the VEX Feedback in VS Code
- Understanding the VEX DEVICE INFO in VS Code
- Using the V5 Battery Medic in VEX VS Code Extension
- V5 Brain in VS Code Extension
- Updating VEXos in VS Code
- Naming the VEX Brain in VS Code
- Setting the Team Number for the VEX Brain in VS Code
- Taking Screenshots of the VEX Brain in VS Code
- Erasing Programs From VEX Brain in VS Code
- See all articles under the V5 Brain in VS Code Extension section.
- UI and Settings in VS Code Extension
- VS Code Extension for V5
- Get Started
- Getting Started
- Using the AI Vision Sensor with VEX V5
- Mounting and Wiring the AI Vision Sensor on the V5 Clawbot
- Mounting and Wiring the AI Vision Sensor on the V5 Advanced Trainingbot
- Updating the AI Vision Sensor's Firmware in VEXcode V5
- Connect the AI Vision Sensor to Web-based VEXcode V5
- See all articles under the Getting Started section.
- Coding with the AI Vision Sensor
- Coding with the AI Vision Sensor in VEXcode V5 Blocks
- Coding with the AI Vision Sensor in VEXcode V5 Python
- Coding with the AI Vision Sensor in VEXcode V5 C++
- Configuring Color Signatures with the AI Vision Sensor in VEXcode V5
- Configuring Color Codes with the AI Vision Sensor in VEXcode V5
- See all articles under the Coding with the AI Vision Sensor section.
- Troubleshooting
- Allow AI Vision Sensor Camera Permissions on Chrome Browser for VEXcode V5
- Allow Camera Permissions for AI Vision Sensor on Windows in App-based VEXcode V5
- Allow Camera Permissions for AI Vision Sensor on macOS in App-based VEXcode V5
- Additional Resources
- Get Started
- Install
- Installing VEXcode Pro V5 on macOS
- Installing VEXcode Pro V5 on Windows
- Installing VEXcode Pro V5 with MSI Installers
- Robot Config
- Configuring a 4-Motor Drivetrain (No Gyro) in VEXcode Pro V5
- Configuring a 4-Motor Drivetrain in VEXcode Pro V5
- Adjusting the Vision Sensor in VEXcode Pro V5
- Configuring 3-Wire Devices in VEXcode Pro V5
- Configuring a 2-Motor Drivetrain (No Gyro) in VEXcode Pro V5
- See all articles under the Robot Config section.
- Tutorials
- Adding New Files to Projects in VEXcode Pro V5
- Creating a Project to Drive Forward and Backward in VEXcode Pro V5
- Creating a Project to Turn Left and Right in VEXcode Pro V5
- Downloading and Running a Project in VEXcode Pro V5
- Importing .vex Files and VEXcode Projects in VEXcode Pro V5
- See all articles under the Tutorials section.
- Programming
- Basic Project Structure for Your First Project in VEXcode Pro V5
- Changing Variables in VEXcode Pro V5
- Creating Float and Double Variables in VEXcode Pro V5
- Creating Variables for Integers in VEXcode Pro V5
- Creating Variables in VEXcode Pro V5
- See all articles under the Programming section.
- Troubleshooting