Converting a Blocks Project to Text in VEXcode V5

A blocks project can easily be converted to a text project in VEXcode V5.

How to Convert a Blocks Project to Text

Screenshot of VEX V5 Blocks programming interface, showcasing various programming blocks and their arrangement for educational tutorials.

Once you have a blocks project created in VEXcode V5, the project can be converted into a text project.

Diagram of a Clawbot drivetrain configuration using two motors without a gyro, illustrating the setup for V5 robotics blocks tutorials.

Note: The blocks project shown in this article uses the Clawbot (Drivetrain, 2-motor, No Gyro) template.

Code Viewer button for V5 Blocks Tutorials, featuring a stylized icon that represents code visualization, designed to help users access and understand coding elements in the VEX Robotics platform.

Open the Code Viewer by selecting the icon in the top right next to the Devices icon.

Code Viewer button for V5 Blocks Tutorials, featuring a stylized icon that represents code visualization, designed to help users access and understand coding elements in the VEX Robotics platform.

The Code Viewer shows the text version of the blocks project in the workspace.

Comparison of C and Python programming languages, illustrating key differences and similarities, relevant to V5 Blocks Tutorials.

There is the option to convert the blocks project to either C++ or Python.

Screenshot of the 'Convert to Text' project interface in VEXcode V5, showcasing blocks used for text conversion in a programming tutorial.

Once you are ready to convert the blocks project to a text project, select the “Convert to Text Project” button in the bottom right of the Code Viewer.

Screenshot of the 'Save' window in VEX V5 software, showing options for saving projects. This image is part of the Blocks Tutorials section, illustrating the process of saving work in the V5 programming environment.

If you have not yet saved your blocks project, a window will appear to prompt you to save your project as a .v5blocks file. For more information about saving a project, view the VEX Library articles on Saving a project (Windows, macOS, Chromebook).

Screenshot of the 'Save' window in Python programming environment, illustrating options for saving files, relevant to V5 Blocks Tutorials.

Once the blocks project is saved, the text workspace will appear. You will be prompted to save your text project as a .v5python file. For more information about saving a project, view the VEX Library articles on Saving a project (Windows, macOS, Chromebook).

Screenshot of a VEX V5 programming tutorial, showcasing various blocks and their descriptions, illustrating how to use the programming interface effectively.

Once the project is saved, you can continue working on your text project or download the project to a V5 Brain.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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