Using the VEX Feedback in VS Code

The VEX Feedback will provide valuable information to VEX, such as requesting a new feature, discussing something that is not working, and providing diagnostics about user issues. Users can submit general feedback or bug reports to VEX in VS Code to help with the program’s continual improvement.

Accessing the VEX Feedback in VS Code

  •  Click on the VEX icon on the VS Code Activity Bar.

  • The VEX view will open in the Side Bar. The VEX Feedback category is at the bottom of the VEX view.

    Screenshot of the VS Code Extension interface for V5, showcasing key features and functionality, including code editing tools and project navigation options.

Submitting Information Via VEX Feedback

  • Select the Comment Button or the Issue Button to indicate that the Feedback information is a general comment or an issue report.

    Screenshot of the V5 VS Code Extension interface, showcasing features and tools available for enhancing coding productivity in VEX Robotics development.
  • Type the Feedback description that you would like to provide for VEX in the Text Box.

  • (Optional) If you want to provide the information of your email address, select the Check Box next to Include Email Address and type your email address in the Text Box.
    Note: If you want a response from VEX, you need to include the email address.
    Note: By including your email address, you agree that VEX can send you emails if VEX has questions about the feedback.

  • (Optional) Select the Check Box next to Include diagnostic and usage data if you want to provide VEX with more technical information from your project.
    Note: If reporting an issue, it is important to include diagnostic data to help identify the problem.

  • Click on the SEND Button to submit the Feedback information.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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