The VEX Visual Studio Code Extension has replaced VEXcode Pro V5, which is now end-of-life.
VEXcode Blocks and VEXcode Text remain actively developed and supported for all VEX platforms.
First, download VEXcode Pro V5 if you have not done so already.
Launch the VEXcode Installer
Double-click the VEXcodeProV5.exe file to launch the InstallShield Wizard.
Click Next
In the first InstallShield Wizard page, click the "Next >" button.
Step 3: Accept the License Agreement
Read through the End User License Agreement and click on the bubble next to "I accept the terms in the license agreement".
Click the "Next >" button.
Installing VEXcode Pro V5
Click the "Install" button.
Finish Installation
Click on the "Finish" Button to finish installing VEXcode Pro V5 and close the InstallShield Wizard.
Launch VEXcode Pro V5
Launch VEXcode Pro V5 using the desktop shortcut. A menu to create a new program will automatically appear once the application opens.
Start a new Project
Create a new project to get started with programming in VEXcode Pro V5!