The VEX Visual Studio Code Extension has replaced VEXcode Pro V5, which is now end-of-life.
VEXcode Blocks and VEXcode Text remain actively developed and supported for all VEX platforms.
Make process closed with exit code 2 is generally a compilation/build error.
How to troubleshoot the make error 2:
- Ensure you are running the latest version of VEXcode Pro V5.
- Whenever you see the make process closed with exit code 2 error you can read the log in the output to see where the error is within your program. The Output can provide information on the following:
- What row/column the error is in within the file
- What the cause of the error is
Information from the Output:
- What row/column the error is in within the file
In the following example, the output is providing the information that there is an error on line (row) 20 column 30. This is shown as, “20:30.”
What the cause of the error is...
The output also provides information as to why the error is shown. A semicolon is missing after the expression, “Brain.Screen.print(“Hello”)”
Note: If you are running an older version of the VEXcode Pro V5 application, previous versions of VEXcode Pro V5 were allowing special characters in the filename or the project name.