Naming the VEX Brain in VS Code

The VEX VS Code Extension enables us to set a name for the VEX Brain, making it easier to identify which Brain is which.

How to set a name for VEX Brain in VS Code

  • Connect the Vex Brain to the VEX VS Code Extension. Click on the VEX icon on the VS Activity Bar.

    Screenshot of the VEX V5 VS Code Extension interface, showcasing code editing features and tools for programming VEX robotics, including a sidebar with project files and a code editor window.
  • The VEX view will open in the Side Bar. Hover the mouse over the name item listed under the system subcategory within the VEX DEVICE INFO category in the VEX view.

    Screenshot of the VS Code Extension interface for V5, showcasing features and tools available to users for enhanced coding experience.
  • The Pencil icon will appear next to the name item. Click on the Pencil Icon.

    Screenshot of the VEX V5 Code Extension interface in Visual Studio Code, showcasing features and tools available for programming VEX robotics.
  • The Set Brain Name window will prompt. Type a new name for the VEX Brain in the Text Box and press the Enter key to set the name.
    Note: Spaces are not accepted. To separate words, use underscores.

    Screenshot of the VEX V5 Code Extension interface in Visual Studio Code, showcasing various programming features and tools available for users to enhance their coding experience.
  • The new name will be set for the VEX Brain.

    Screenshot of the VEX V5 Code Extension interface in Visual Studio Code, showcasing features and tools for programming VEX robotics.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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