Erasing Programs From VEX Brain in VS Code

The VEX VS Code Extension allows us to erase a program in a specific slot on the VEX Brain, preparing it for downloading and running a new program.

How to erase a program from the VEX Brain in VS Code

  • Connect the Vex Brain to the VEX VS Code Extension. Click on the VEX icon on the VS Activity Bar.

    V5 category description image illustrating features of the VS Code Extension, showcasing its interface and functionality for enhanced coding experience. 
  • The VEX view will open in the Side Bar. Hover the mouse over the selected program item listed under the programs subcategory within the VEX DEVICE INFO category.

    Diagram illustrating the features and functionalities of the Vex V5 VS Code Extension, showcasing key components and their interactions for enhanced programming and robotics development.
  • The Trashcan icon will appear next to the program item. Click on the Trashcan Icon. The program will be erased from the VEX Brain
    Note: Once a program is erased, it can not be recovered.  Please be cautious when using this feature.

    Screenshot of the VEX V5 Code Extension interface in Visual Studio Code, showcasing features and tools available for programming VEX robotics.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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