A Color Signature is one of the two types of Visual Signatures utilized by the AI Vision Sensor for color identification. To enable the AI Vision Sensor to recognize Color Signatures, they need to be configured initially. Follow the steps outlined in this article to properly configure Color Signatures.
Ensure your AI Vision Sensor is connected to VEXcode V5. For information on how to setup and connect your AI Vision Sensor, read Connect the AI Vision Sensor to App-based VEXcode V5 or Web-based VEXcode V5.
1. Put what solid-colored object you want the AI Vision Sensor to be able to recognize in front of it.
2. Position your mouse cursor over the solid-colored object, then select and drag across the desired color to configure it.
Note: Make sure to stay within the confines of the color you want to select. Otherwise, you may accidentally grab colors from the background that can throw off the AI Vision Sensor’s detection.
3. The Set Color button will become available. Select it to save the color.
Once a color is set, the AI Vision Sensor will save it as a Color Signature. Color Signatures can have their Hue Range and Saturation Range tweaked so the sensor can detect the color easier.
4. Move the slider for the Saturation Range until the object you want to track is fully surrounded by the target box.
5. If the target box does not fully surround the object, slowly move the Hue Range slider until the target box is stable around the object. Do not move it any further than it needs to.
Now you can test the resiliency of your Color Signature. Put the object in different lighting conditions or move it around to see if the AI Vision Sensor can continue to track it in different settings and conditions.
If your object isn't resilient enough, continue to adjust the Hue Range slider until the AI Vision Sensor can identify the Color Signature in all conditions.
6. Rename the color signature by selecting into the Name textbox and typing.
7. Select Add Color to configure any further Color Signatures for other objects.
The AI Vision Sensor can track up to 7 Color Signatures at a time.
8. Once all desired colors have been set, select Close.
9. Once the AI Vision Sensor window is gone, select Done to exit the Devices menu and save your configuration changes.
Once two or more Color Signatures have been set, you can begin to configure Color Codes.