Changing Variables in VEXcode Pro V5

The VEX Visual Studio Code Extension has replaced VEXcode Pro V5, which is now end-of-life.

VEXcode Blocks and VEXcode Text remain actively developed and supported for all VEX platforms.

Changing a variable is a complex question when it comes to object-oriented programming languages like C++. In this article, you'll learn the fundamentals of changing variables, which include the const and lvalue concepts.

What is this "const" before the data type?

const int PI = 3.14159;

const” is a very important qualifier. You should use this qualifier for variables that should never change.

L-value or R-value concept

The following shows some examples:

int X  = 1,  Y = 3;	
X = Y + 1;    // Good		
Y + 1 = X;   // INCORRECT!

The key is for L-value:

  • Variable to be modified must be put on the left side of the “=” operator.
  • Operation expression should be on the right side of the “=” operator.


  • Basically, any other expressions.

Caution: While the following is syntactically correct, it is bad:

Error message displayed on a screen indicating that a variable cannot be changed in VEX V5 programming, with a red warning symbol and descriptive text.

Output: X = 20; Y = 20;

Besides, when the compiler produces a warning, you should always review it carefully. Never a good idea to ignore it.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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