Using the Code Viewer for C++ in VEXcode V5

Using the Code Viewer in VEXcode V5 is easy and helpful.

How to open the Code Viewer

VEXcode V5 logo, representing the V5 robotics programming environment, used in C++ tutorials for VEX robotics.

Launch VEXcode V5.

Screenshot of a C++ tutorial from VEX Robotics, showcasing code examples and explanations for programming V5 robots, with a focus on the V5 category description.

The platform defaults to the Blocks interface.

Screenshot of a C++ tutorial from VEX Robotics, showcasing code examples and explanations related to V5 programming concepts.

Select the Code Viewer icon to open the Code Viewer window.

Screenshot of a C++ tutorial from VEX Robotics showing code examples and explanations related to V5 programming, highlighting key concepts and features for users learning to program VEX V5 robots.

The Code Viewer window defaults to the Python version of the blocks project. Select the C++ option.

Screenshot of a C++ tutorial from V5 Category Description, showing code snippets and explanations related to programming concepts.

The Code Viewer window will then display the C++ version of the blocks project.

Screenshot of a C++ tutorial from VEX Robotics, showcasing code snippets and explanations related to V5 programming, highlighting key concepts and examples for users learning to program with VEX V5.

Hide the Code Viewer window when finished by selecting the right arrow next to the Help icon.

How text commands are added when blocks are added

Screenshot of a C++ tutorial interface from VEX Robotics, displaying code snippets and programming concepts for V5 category, illustrating key features and functionalities for users learning C++ programming.

Add a [Print] block to the project.

Screenshot of a C++ tutorial from the V5 Category Description, displaying code snippets and explanations for programming concepts related to VEX robotics.

Select the Code Viewer icon to open the Code Viewer window.

Screenshot of a VEX V5 C++ tutorial showing code examples and explanations for programming the VEX robotics system, with highlighted sections for clarity.

Notice that the Print command will also be added to the Code Viewer window.

How text commands are deleted when blocks are deleted

Screenshot of C++ tutorial in V5 Category Description, showing code snippets and explanations for programming concepts related to VEX robotics.

Delete the [Print] block from the VEXcode V5 project.

Note: for more information on how to delete a block, view the Delete a Block article from the VEX Library.

Screenshot of a C++ tutorial from VEX Robotics, showcasing code snippets and explanations related to V5 programming concepts.

Notice that the print command will also be deleted from the Command Viewer window.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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