When beginning a new project in VEXcode V5, commands to control the Drivetrain of your robot will not appear in the Toolbox until a Drivetrain has been configured.
You can only configure one Drivetrain per project.
Adding a Drivetrain
To configure a Drivetrain, select the Devices button to open the Devices window.
Select Add a device.
Select Drivetrain 2-Motor.
Select which port the Left Motor is connected to on the V5 Brain.
Select which port the Right Motor is connected to on the V5 Brain.
Note that ports that are already configured for other devices will be unavailable.
Select No Gyro to turn the Gyro off.
Be sure that the Wheel Size, Track Width, Wheelbase, Gear Ration, and Gear Cartridge match your robot. Select Done to save the configuration.
Note: The default values are for the V5 Clawbot and Speedbot. If you are using the Clawbot or Speedbot, you do not need to change the values.
Changing a Drivetrain’s Port Numbers
You can change the port number for the Left Motor or Right Motor in the Drivetrain by selecting the device’s plug icon in the top right corner.
Select a different port on the Port Selection screen and the port number will turn green. Then select Done to save the updated configuration.
Changing a Drivetrain’s Wheel Size
You can change the wheel size for the Drivetrain by selecting the drop down menu under Wheel Size. Choose your desired wheel size, then select Done to save the updated configuration.
Note: The default values are for the VEX V5 Clawbot and Speedbot. If you are using the Clawbot or Speedbot, you do not need to change the values.
Changing a Drivetrain’s Track Width
You can change the size of the track width for the Drivetrain by entering the values in the number box and by selecting the drop down menu under Track Width. The track width is the measurement between the middle of the front left wheel to the middle of the front right wheel.
Once the Track Width is set, select Done to save the updated configuration.
Note: The default values are for the VEX V5 Clawbot and Speedbot. If you are using the Clawbot or Speedbot, you do not need to change the values.
Changing a Drivetrain’s Gear Ratio
You can change the gear ratio for the Drivetrain by entering values in the Input and Output boxes. Then select Done to save the updated configuration.
Note: The default values are for the VEX V5 Clawbot and Speedbot. If you are using the Clawbot or Speedbot, you do not need to change the values.
Changing a Gear Cartridge
The settings also allow the gear cartridge to be changed.
Select the cartridge that matches your robot. Then select Done to save the updated configuration.
Reversing a Drivetrain
The settings also allow the direction of the Drivetrain to be reversed.
Select the arrows around the robot icon to change the direction of the Drivetrain. Then select Done to save the updated configuration.
Deleting a Drivetrain
A Drivetrain can be deleted by selecting Delete.