Opening a V5 Python Project on Windows

There are several ways to open a Python project in Windows.

Open an Existing Project

VEXcode V5 Toolbar with File highlighted in red.

Select File in the Toolbar.

VEXcode V5 File menu open with Open highlighted. Open is the third item in the menu beneath New Blocks Project and New Text Project.

Select Open in the drop down menu.

Windows device File Menu, with the Downloads option in the left side Menu highlighted. Drive Forward project is highlighted in the main window to the right, indicating which project is selected.

Your device’s File Menu will open. Select Downloads or the location where you saved your file. Then select the desired project file.

Note: VEXcode V5 Python projects will have the extension .v5python.

Windows device File Menu with the Open button in the lower right corner highlighted, indicated what to select to open the project.

Select Open.

VEXcode V5 interface with the Drive Forward project open, featuring a When started block with a Drive forward 200mm block attached in the workspace.

Your project will open in VEXcode V5.

Open an Example Project

VEXcode V5 Toolbar with File highlighted with a red box.

Select File in the Toolbar.

VEXcode V5 File Menu open, with a red highlight around Open Examples. Open examples is the fourth item in the menu, beneath New Blocks Project, New Text Project, and Open.

Select Open Examples in the drop down menu.

Example project selection window showing tiles for various example projects in VEXcode V5. At the top it reads Choose a Python example project.

Select a Template or an Example Project.

Note: Templates and Example Projects are used for the following.

  • Templates configure the motors and sensors on your robot for the project.
  • Example projects are premade projects that are ready to download and run.

VEXcode V5 interface with the Clawbot Drivetrain 2 motor No Gyro template open in the workspace.

Once selected, the Template or Example Project will open.

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