- In the Classroom - IQ (2nd gen)
- Accessing VEX IQ (2nd gen) STEM Lab Videos for Export
- Facilitating an IQ STEM Lab Competition
- Implementing STEM Lab Units with VEX IQ (2nd gen)
- IQ (2nd gen) STEM Lab Unit Concepts
- Running an IQ STEM Lab Challenge
- See all articles under the In the Classroom - IQ (2nd gen) section.
- In the Classroom - IQ (1st gen)
- Teaching VEX IQ (1st gen) STEM Labs with IQ (2nd gen) Kits
- Teaching with VEX IQ (1st gen)
- VEX IQ (1st gen) Editable STEM Lab Previews
- VEX IQ (1st gen) STEM Lab Letters Home & Checklists
- VEX IQ (1st gen) STEM Lab SPARK Overview
- See all articles under the In the Classroom - IQ (1st gen) section.
- More Ways to Teach
- Engaging Students Who Complete an IQ Build Quickly
- Using VEX IQ Activities in the Classroom
- A Guide to Types of Available Curriculum for VEX IQ
- Having Effective Debrief Conversations with Your Students
- Co-creating Learning Targets with Your Students
- Educator Resources
- Robot Brain (1st gen)
- Powering On / Off - IQ Brain (1st gen)
- Running Driver Control Programs - IQ Brain (1st gen)
- Running User Programs - IQ Brain (1st gen)
- Using Autopilot Programs - IQ Brain (1st gen)
- Navigating Menu - IQ Brain (1st gen)
- See all articles under the Robot Brain (1st gen) section.
- Robot Brain (2nd gen)
- Guide to the VEX IQ Brain Screen (2nd gen)
- Connecting an IQ (2nd gen) Brain to a Computer via USB
- Navigating Menus - IQ Brain (2nd gen)
- Understanding Indicator Lights - IQ Brain (2nd gen)
- Powering On / Off - IQ Brain (2nd gen)
- See all articles under the Robot Brain (2nd gen) section.
- Controller
- Calibrating the Controller - IQ (1st gen)
- Calibrating the Controller - IQ (2nd gen)
- Charging the Controller - IQ (1st gen)
- Charging the Controller - IQ (2nd gen)
- Installing the Controller Battery - IQ
- See all articles under the Controller section.
- Radio
- Identifying VEX IQ (1st gen) Radios
- Installing and Removing a VEX IQ (1st gen) Brain Radio
- Installing and Removing a VEX IQ (1st gen) Controller Radio
- Motor
- Sensors
- Coding with VEX IQ Smart Motors
- Overview of VEX IQ (1st gen) Sensors
- Overview of VEX IQ (2nd gen) Sensors
- Troubleshooting IQ (1st gen) Sensors
- Troubleshooting IQ (2nd gen) Sensors
- See all articles under the Sensors section.
- Battery
- Charging the VEX IQ (1st gen) Battery
- Charging the VEX IQ (2nd gen) Battery
- Installing or Removing the VEX IQ Brain Battery
- Understanding Indicator Lights on the VEX IQ (1st gen) Battery
- Using the VEX IQ Robot Battery
- See all articles under the Battery section.
- Troubleshooting Electronics
- Overview
- Assembly Tips
- Mechanical
- Attaching a VEX Vision Sensor to the Clawbot IQ
- Selecting a VEX IQ Assembly
- Selecting a VEX IQ Drivetrain
- Selecting, Capturing, and Supporting VEX IQ Shafts
- Understanding the VEX IQ Plastic Construction System
- Motion
- Building with VEX IQ Motor Groups
- Understanding VEX IQ Wheels
- Using VEX IQ Plastic Gears, Sprockets, and Pulleys
- Structure
- Understanding VEX IQ Beams and Plates
- Understanding VEX IQ Connectors and Standoffs
- Using the VEX Pin Tool with VEX IQ
- Competition Robots
- An Introduction to Swish: the `24-`25 VIQRC Hero Bot
- An Introduction to Byte: the `23-`24 VIQRC Hero Bot
- An Introduction to Fling: the `21-`22 VIQC Hero Bot
- Getting Started with VIQRC '24-'25 Robot Design: Rapid Relay
- Getting Started with VIQRC '23-'24 Robot Design: Full Volume
- See all articles under the Competition Robots section.
- Pneumatics
- Understanding the IQ Pneumatics Kit Components
- Example IQ Pneumatics Kit Configurations
- Coding the IQ Pneumatics Kit
- Safety
- CAD, Parts & 3D Printing
- Install
- Installing the VEX Drivers Installer for VEX IQ
- Installing VEXcode IQ on Android
- Installing VEXcode IQ on Chromebook
- Installing VEXcode IQ on iPad
- Installing VEXcode IQ on macOS
- See all articles under the Install section.
- Firmware
- Installing VEXos Utility on macOS (1st gen only)
- Installing VEXos Utility on Windows (1st gen only)
- Updating VEX IQ (1st gen) Firmware with VEXos Utility
- Updating VEX IQ (2nd gen) Brain Firmware in App-based VEXcode IQ
- Updating VEX IQ (2nd gen) Brain Firmware in Web-based VEXcode IQ
- See all articles under the Firmware section.
- Firmware Changelog
- Key Features of VEXcode IQ
- Converting an IQ (1st gen) project to use with an IQ (2nd gen) Brain
- Converting an IQ (2nd gen) project to use with an IQ (1st gen) Brain
- Creating a New Blocks Project in VEXcode IQ
- Interpreting the Brain Status Icon in VEXcode IQ
- New Features in VEXcode IQ 4.0
- See all articles under the Key Features of VEXcode IQ section.
- Connect to the Brain - App Based
- Connecting with App-based VEXcode IQ - Chromebook
- Connecting with App-based VEXcode IQ - macOS
- Connecting with App-based VEXcode IQ - Windows
- Connecting with App-based VEXcode IQ to an IQ (2nd gen) Brain- iPad
- Connecting with App-based VEXcode IQ to an IQ (2nd gen) Brain - Android
- See all articles under the Connect to the Brain - App Based section.
- Connect to the Brain - Web Based
- Connecting to the Brain with Web-based VEXcode IQ - Chromebook
- Connecting to the Brain with Web-based VEXcode IQ - Mac
- Connecting to the Brain with Web-based VEXcode IQ - Windows
- Connect to the Controller
- Connecting to the Controller with Web-based VEXcode IQ - Mac
- Connecting to the Controller with Web-based VEXcode IQ - Chromebook
- Connecting to the Controller with Web-based VEXcode IQ - Windows
- Robot Config
- Configuring a 4-Motor Drivetrain (No Gyro) in VEXcode IQ (1st gen)
- Configuring a 4-Motor Drivetrain in VEXcode IQ (1st gen)
- Configuring a 2-Motor Drivetrain (No Gyro) in VEXcode IQ (1st gen)
- Configuring a 2-Motor Drivetrain in VEXcode IQ (1st gen)
- Configuring a 2-Motor Drivetrain in VEXcode IQ (2nd gen)
- See all articles under the Robot Config section.
- Open and Save Blocks Projects
- Opening a VEXcode IQ Blocks Project on a Chromebook
- Opening a VEXcode IQ Blocks Project on an Android
- Opening a VEXcode IQ Blocks Project on an iPad
- Opening a VEXcode IQ Blocks Project on macOS
- Opening a VEXcode IQ Blocks Project on Windows
- See all articles under the Open and Save Blocks Projects section.
- Open and Save Python Projects
- Opening a VEXcode IQ Python Project on Chromebook
- Opening a VEXcode IQ Python Project on macOS
- Opening a VEXcode IQ Python Project on Windows
- Saving a VEXcode IQ Python Project on Chromebook
- Saving a VEXcode IQ Python Project on macOS
- See all articles under the Open and Save Python Projects section.
- Open and Save C++ Projects
- Opening a VEXcode IQ C++ Project on a Chromebook
- Opening a VEXcode IQ C++ Project on macOS
- Opening a VEXcode IQ C++ Project on Windows
- Saving a VEXcode IQ C++ Project on a Chromebook
- Saving a VEXcode IQ C++ Project on macOS
- See all articles under the Open and Save C++ Projects section.
- C++ Tutorials
- Creating a New VEXcode IQ C++ Project
- Starting, Downloading, and Running a VEXcode IQ C++ Project
- Using the VEXcode IQ C++ Autocomplete Feature
- Using VEXcode IQ C++ Example Projects and Templates
- Blocks Tutorials
- Adjusting the Size of Blocks in VEXcode IQ
- Converting a Blocks Project to Text in VEXcode IQ
- Custom Controller Code in VEXcode IQ
- Deleting a Block in VEXcode IQ
- Disabling and Enabling Blocks in VEXcode IQ
- See all articles under the Blocks Tutorials section.
- Python Tutorials
- Data Logging with VEX Brain/Sensors (Python Version)
- Starting, Downloading, and Running a Python Project in VEXcode IQ
- Understanding the Colorization of Code in VEXcode IQ Python
- Using Comments in VEXcode IQ with Python
- Using Python Example Projects and Templates in VEXcode IQ
- See all articles under the Python Tutorials section.
- Project Help
- Accessing Help in a VEXcode IQ Blocks Project
- Accessing Help in a VEXcode IQ C++ Project
- Accessing Help in a VEXcode IQ Python Project
- Converting VEXcode IQ Projects between 1st and 2nd generation
- IT Installation
- Troubleshooting
- Finding Project Files on an Android Tablet in VEXcode IQ
- Preparing to Download a Project in VEXcode IQ
- Reconnecting an IQ Brain to an Android Tablet in VEXcode IQ
- Troubleshooting Cloud Compiler Issues in VEXcode IQ
- Troubleshooting Connecting to Web-based VEXcode IQ
- See all articles under the Troubleshooting section.
- VS Code Extension for IQ
- VS Code Installation Guide for IQ (2nd generation) on a Windows Device
- VS Code Installation Guide for IQ (2nd generation) on a macOS Device
- VS Code Installation Guide for IQ
- Creating VS Code Projects for IQ (2nd generation)
- VS Code New Project for IQ
- See all articles under the VS Code Extension for IQ section.