This is an overview of the process for creating a new project in the VEX Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Extension. Projects in the VEX VS Code Extension can be created in two ways, either by creating a new project from an example template or importing an existing VEXCode project.
Project Actions
To create a VEX VS Code project navigate to the Project Actions panel that is located on the primary sidebar on the left side of the VS Code UI.
Create a new VEX project
To create a new project based off of an example template click the “New Project” button in the Project Actions panel. A project creation wizard will guide you through the process.
Platform Choices:
- VEX V5
- VEX IQ 2nd Generation
Click the icon to select the project’s platform. Once the platform is selected, the programming language can be chosen.
Programming Language Choices:
- C++
- Python
Each programming language has a selection of project templates that contain sample code that can be used to help get the project started. The “Search” box can be used to filter the list of sample projects for specific tags. Select the appropriate sample project from the list.
Once the sample project template has been selected, the project name, description, SDK version and folder location can then be set. The project name will be used for the name of the top level folder for the project. It will also be the name that is displayed on the VEX device screen once the application has been downloaded to the robot. The project description will also be displayed on the device’s screen under project information. The project location will be set to your default project folder found in the extension global settings. To save the project in a different location use the browse button to select a different folder.
Once a Project Name, Project Description and Project Location are all chosen, click the “Create” button to start the project.
Import an existing VEXCode project
To create a new VEX VS Code project from an existing VEXCode project click the “Import Project” button in the Project Actions panel. An open file window will prompt you to select the VEXCode project file to import.
Supported VEXCode Project File Types:
- .v5code (VEXCode Pro for V5)
- .iqblocks, .iqcpp, .iqpython (VEXCode for IQ)
- .expblocks, .expcpp, .exppython (VEXCode for EXP)
- .v5blocks, .v5cpp, .v5python (VEXCode for V5)
NOTE: For all VEXCode IQ, only projects that are configured to use IQ 2nd Generation can be imported. If you try to import a VEXCode IQ project that is configured for IQ 1st Generation the import process will fail.
Once the VEXCode project file has been selected, the project’s Title, Description, and Location must be set. The title will determine the name of the folder for the project, as well as the name of the final program uploaded to the robot. The project location will be set to your default project folder found in the extension global settings. To save the project in a different location use the browse button to select a different folder. Once a Project Name, Project Description and Project Location are all chosen, click the “Import” button to start the project. .