Creating a New VEXcode IQ C++ Project

A new Blocks Project opens when you start VEXcode IQ, but you can easily create a new C++ project once VEXcode IQ is open.

Creating a New C++ Project

VEXcode IQ icon representing the VEX IQ Robotics platform, designed for educational purposes and beginner robotics enthusiasts, featured in the C++ Tutorials section of the knowledge base.

Launch VEXcode IQ

Screenshot of default settings in VEXcode IQ, showcasing configuration options for programming VEX IQ robots, relevant to C++ tutorials for educators and students.

VEXcode IQ will open with the initial project in Blocks editor mode.

Screenshot of a C++ tutorial for VEX IQ Robotics, showcasing code examples and programming concepts designed to assist educators and students in building and programming robots effectively.

To create a C++ project, open the File menu and select ‘New Text Project.’

Screenshot of C++ programming interface for VEX IQ, illustrating code structure and features relevant to robotics education and project development.

VEXcode IQ will switch to C++ editor mode and load a default blank project.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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