Connecting an IQ (2nd gen) Controller to Virtual Driving Skills

VEX IQ Robotics Competition (VIQRC) Virtual Driving Skills Practice allows you to connect a VEX IQ (2nd gen) Controller to your computer and complete practice Driving Skills matches. This article walks through how to connect your Controller to VIQRC Virtual Driving Skills.

Note: An IQ (2nd gen) Controller is required when using VIQRC Virtual Driving Skills.

Connect to an IQ (2nd gen) Controller

VEX IQ 2nd generation controller with a red box around the power button in the center of the controller and the green indicator light below the button.

Turn on your VEX IQ (2nd gen) Controller using the power button.

Top down of a laptop and controller connected via a USB C Cable.

Connect the Controller to your computer using a USB-C cable.

Controller status section of the Driver Skills page. On the left is the current status of the controller and on the right is the button to connect the controller highlighted with a red box.

Select Connect Controller on the Virtual Driving Skills page.

Mac / Chromebook

iq controller connect driver skills mac@2x.png


image (2).png

A device-specific prompt will appear to explain what to select in your browser's connection window.

  • Mac and Chromebook users will be instructed to select the option with the lowest ID number. 
  • Windows users will be instructed to select the option labeled "Communications Port". 

Select Continue to open your browser’s connection window.

Connect button in the browser connection window shown in bright blue indicating that a controller has been selected. A red box is around the button.

Select the option with the lowest ID number or the option labeled "Communications Port", then Select Connect.

Controller Status section of the Driver Skills page. On the left is the current status which reads Controller Status colon connected and has a green background.

Your VEX IQ (2nd gen) Controller will now be connected to VIQRC Virtual Driving Skills. The Controller Status will turn green and say Connected.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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