VEXcode IQ requires Android 7.0 or later to be installed on an Android Tablet. Below, you will find the link to download VEXcode IQ in the Google Play Store and the permissions that must be given for VEXcode IQ to work as intended with your robot.
Different prompts will appear for Android 11.0 and below as compared to Android 12.0. Follow the steps that match your device after downloading and allowing storage access.
Download VEXcode IQ and Allow Storage Access
Use this link to open VEXcode IQ in the Google Play Store and download the app.
Locate the VEXcode IQ application on your Android Tablet.
Start the application.When VEXcode IQ is first opened, a prompt will appear asking you to allow Storage permission. This permission will appear for all Android devices.
This allows for projects to be saved and loaded on the device. Select 'Continue' to open the Android prompt.
When the Android prompt appears, select 'Allow.'
Android 11.0 and below
A prompt will appear asking you to allow Location permission.
This allows for the device to scan and connect to IQ robots. Select 'Continue' to open the Android prompt.
When the Android prompt appears, select 'WHILE USING THE APP.'
Then you can begin working in VEXcode IQ.
- Name and save your project.
- Configure your motors, sensors, drivetrain (with or without the Gyro Sensor), and controller.
- Get to know more about the shapes of blocks, program flow, and how to access Help.
Android 12.0 and above
A prompt will appear asking you to allow Precise Location Access.
This allows for the device to scan and connect to nearby IQ robots. Select 'Continue' to open the Android prompt.
When the Android prompt appears, select 'Precise.'
Then, select 'While using the app.'
A prompt will then appear asking you to allow permission to access nearby devices.
This allows for the device to scan and connect to IQ robots. Select 'Continue' to open the Android prompt.
When the Android prompt appears, select 'Allow.'
Then you can begin working in VEXcode IQ.
- Name and save your project.
- Configure your motors, sensors, drivetrain (with or without the Gyro Sensor), and controller.
- Get to know more about the shapes of blocks, program flow, and how to access Help.