Troubleshooting Cloud Compiler Issues in VEXcode IQ

This article will provide assistance to IT Administrators and users who are receiving the error message “Compiler process has timed out. Please try again.”

VEXcode IQ running on Web-based, iPadOS, or Android operating systems require the use of a Cloud Compiler in order to compile user projects into microprocessor code. Because of security limitations on these platforms, the VEX microprocessor compiler is unable to run locally. To work around this issue, VEXcode uses a Cloud Compiler webservice to allow users of these platforms to be able to download code to their robot.

Note: Windows and Mac users do not utilize the Cloud Compiler services.

Users can visit to discover if there is a service interruption to the Cloud Compiler for all users. If the VEXcode Cloud Compiler services are reporting as "connected" on the status website, then your local network may be blocking access to the Cloud Compiler.

Firewall / Network Information

(Information Updated for VEXcode 2.3.1+)

To ensure the VEXcode Cloud Compiler can work, please ensure the following addresses and ports are unblocked on your network for end users.

Blocks / C++ Compiler:
Python Linter Service:
Port: 443 (also available on 5637)
Protocol: TCP

Note: Fixed IP addresses are not available for Cloud Compiler services - services are hosted on AWS and IP addresses may change over time based configuration of AWS server instances.

Firmware Updating Service:
Port: 443
Protocol: HTTPS

For a complete list of all domains that need to be whitelisted, including the cloud domain, go to Domain Access Requirements for VEX Websites and Resources.

Testing Cloud Compiler Connectivity

IT Administrators can download the VEXcode Cloud Check Utility to assist in troubleshooting a local network’s connectivity to the Cloud Compiler services without needing VEXcode installed or a robot connected.

Download VEXcode Cloud Check Utility - Windows
Download VEXcode Cloud Check Utility - Mac

Diagram illustrating troubleshooting steps for VEX IQ Robotics platform, highlighting common issues and solutions to enhance user experience and understanding in robotics education.

How To Use

  • Select your platform (IQ, EXP, V5) from the Platform drop-down menu. Once selected, the UI will update to show the correct servers.
  • The left side of indicators are the Cloud Compiler service status - this is based on data from These indicators will inform you if the Cloud Compiler services are running for all users.
  • The right side of indicators are your connection to the Cloud Compiler services from your current network. If these indicators say "Not Connected", then your network is blocking access to the Cloud Compiler. Open the addresses and ports listed on your network using the information in this article.
  • The "Test Again" button will attempt to connect to the Cloud Compiler service again and refresh the status indicators.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

Last Updated: