Printables are tools students can use when building and coding across the VEX Continuum. Printables can be used to support language and spatial reasoning development, assist with differentiation, help students with project and path planning, and more. They can be used in a variety of settings, including remote learning. Printables include worksheets, planning sheets, organizers, rulers, posters and classroom competition Field setup images.
This article provides links to all the VEX Printables by platform.
VEX Computer Science
VEXcode VR
VEXcode VR Printable Certificates
Use this blank VEXcode VR Certificate of Completion whenever you need to customize your own certificate to celebrate students’ success with VEXcode VR.
VEX 123
123 printables include printable touch buttons and Coder cards, worksheets and project planning sheets for Coder and VEXcode 123 projects, posters and a printable art ring canvas.
123 Printable Certificates
Use this blank VEX 123 Certificate of Completion whenever you need to customize your own certificate to celebrate students’ success with VEX 123.
VEX GO printables include project planning sheets, STEM lab worksheets, rulers and a parts poster.
Get Ready, Get VEX, GO! PDF Storybook
Mars Math Expedition PDF Storybook
Ocean Science Exploration PDF Storybook
City Technology Rebuild PDF Storybook
Village Engineering Construction PDF Storybook
GO Printable Certificates
Use this blank VEX GO Certificate of Completion whenever you need to customize your own certificate to celebrate students’ success with VEX GO.
VEX IQ Printables
Printables for VEX IQ include posters as well as the classroom competition Field setup printables linked below. Competition Field setup printables can be added to students' engineering notebooks to help plan projects and strategy for IQ (2nd gen) classroom competitions.
IQ Classroom Competition Field Setup Printables
IQ Printable Certificates
Use this blank VEX IQ Certificate of Completion whenever you need to customize your own certificate to celebrate students’ success with VEX IQ.
VEX EXP Printables
Printables for VEX EXP include posters as well as the classroom competition Field setup printables linked below. Competition Field setup printables can be added to students' engineering notebooks to help plan projects and strategy for EXP classroom competitions.
EXP Classroom Competition Field Setup Printables
EXP Printable Certificates
Use this blank VEX EXP Certificate of Completion whenever you need to customize your own certificate to celebrate students’ success with VEX EXP.
Printable AprilTags
Use these printable AprilTags with the AI Vision Sensor to enhance your VEX EXP projects, enabling precise navigation for your EXP robot.
VEX V5 Printables
VEX V5 Printables include Parts posters and rulers.
V5 Printable Certificates
Use this blank VEX V5 Certificate of Completion whenever you need to customize your own certificate to celebrate students’ success with VEX V5.
Printable AprilTags
Use these printable AprilTags with the AI Vision Sensor to enhance your VEX V5 projects, enabling precise navigation for your V5 robot.