VEX GO can be used in a wide variety of learning environments, by educators and students with various teaching styles and needs. The following printable materials can be used to support differentiation and various implementations of VEX GO, including remote learning, that arise throughout the year. You can print the resources below to use in your setting, however you see fit.

Fill-in Project Planning Sheet

Project Planning Sheet

GO Project Plan Worksheet - a printable resource for educators, featuring a structured layout for planning robotics projects, including sections for objectives, materials, and timelines.




Use this Project Planning Sheet to write or draw VEXcode GO Blocks to plan or save a coding project.  Or, use this sheet to check for understanding before students start coding in VEXcode GO, and address any misconceptions they may have.  Have students complete the Project Planning sheet and explain what the robot will do when each block is run. This gives your students an opportunity to share their thinking and you can check that they understand sequencing and project flow, and can identify the behaviors that are associated with each block. 

Draw-on Motion Planning Sheet

Motion Planning Sheet

Motion Planning Worksheet for GO Robotics, featuring a grid layout with various movement paths and instructions for educators to teach robotics concepts effectively.




Use this blank image of the GO Field to plan the motion of your robot. Students can use this sheet to map the discrete movements needed for the robot to reach a specific location, helping them create an accurate and organized mental representation of the goal or challenge, and visualize how to solve it. 

Fill-in Project and Motion Planning Sheet

Project & Motion Planning Sheet

GO Project and Motion Planning Worksheet - a visual guide for educators, featuring diagrams and instructions to assist in robotics education.




Use this sheet to write VEXcode Blocks for a project, and draw the motion of your robot.  Here, students can plan the path for their robot by drawing it on the VEX GO Field, and identify the VEXcode Blocks they will use to have the robot complete the path. Have students share their sheet, and use it to assess their comprehension of blocks, behaviors, and the goals of project, or to help them debug projects when necessary.

Fill-in Pseudocode Sheet

Pseudocode Sheet

Worksheet for project planning using pseudocode, featuring structured sections for outlining algorithms and programming concepts, designed for educators in the GO category.




Use this sheet for project planning, or to assess student comprehension of blocks, behaviors and the goals of project and address any misconceptions they may have. Students first identify the goal for their robot, then break down the steps to achieve that goal into discrete robot behaviors. Then, they identify the VEXcode Blocks that will be used to have the robot complete these behaviors. Have students share their Pseudocode Sheet and explain how their pseudocode connects to the blocks they will use in their project. Use this as an opportunity to check their comprehension and address any misconceptions they may have. 

Printable VEXcode GO Blocks

Printable VEXcode GO Blocks

Printable GO Blocks poster featuring colorful block designs and educational resources for educators, designed to enhance learning and engagement in robotics.




Cut out these VEXcode GO Block images and use them to help plan, build, and debug projects. They can be used in conjunction with the Fill-in Project Planning Sheet or the Fill-in Project and Motion Planning Sheet, or on their own.  You can even cut these blocks out and laminate them to use as screen-free manipulatives to support student learning in your classroom.

VEX GO STEM Lab Printable Worksheets

The following printable resources are editable Google docs that can be found throughout VEX GO STEM Labs and are designed to support student learning and developing skills in teamwork, working through a design process, and collecting data in investigations. Links to these resources are also found in the Materials Needed section of GO STEM Labs.

Robotics Roles and Routines Checklist

Robotics Roles and Routines Checklist

Checklist outlining roles and routines for GO robotics educators, featuring bullet points for effective classroom management and student engagement strategies.




Use this sheet for organizing group work and setting best practices for using the VEX GO Kit.  The Robotics Roles and Routines Checklist is designed to scaffold team organization and communication to help students build these essential 21st Century Skills. Have student groups complete the top section together, before they start building, in order to map out their responsibilities and roles for the lesson activities. Then at the end of the lesson, have them complete the bottom of the sheet to reflect on what worked well and what they can improve on with their group for next time.  

Engineering Design Process (EDP) Organizer

EDP Organizer

Graphic organizer illustrating the GO Engineering Design Process, featuring key steps and components for educators, designed to aid in teaching engineering concepts effectively.




Use this sheet to guide students through the engineering design process. Have students sketch out their ideas, record test results, and choose one thing to improve for the next iteration of the EDP cycle.  Encourage students to share their EDP Organizer with their group, in conversations with you, or in whole class discussions to show their thinking, to help identify what worked and didn't work in their testing, and how they will make improvements to their design.

Blueprint Worksheet

Blueprint Worksheet

Blueprint worksheet for GO robotics program, designed for educators to assist in planning and organizing robotics activities.




Use this sheet to design free-builds, sketch robot builds, or to diagram solutions to STEM Lab or activity challenges.  This can be used in conjunction with the EDP Organizer for students to sketch their design ideas in more detail, or use it on its own. Students can share their sketches in the the Mid-Play Break or the Share sections of STEM Labs and discuss their ideas, or you can post these sketches in a learning center to celebrate the design process.

Data Collection Sheet

Data Collection Sheet

Data collection sheet for GO robotics program, featuring sections for recording observations and measurements, designed for educators to facilitate student engagement and learning in robotics activities.




Use this sheet to record data collected in STEM Lab investigations.  This sheet can be customized to suit the needs of your investigation and your students. Provide opportunities for students to share their data and learn from each other, using their Data Collection Sheets to drive the conversation. 

GO Printable Certificates

GO Blank Student Certificate

Blank certificate template for GO robotics program, designed for educators to recognize student achievements.




Use this blank VEX GO Certificate of Completion whenever you need to customize your own certificate to celebrate students’ success with VEX GO.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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