A VEXcode VR blocks project can easily be converted to a text project.
How to Convert a Blocks Project to Text
Once you have a blocks project created in VEXcode VR, the project can be converted into a text project.
Open the Code Viewer by selecting the icon in the top right next to the Devices icon.
The Code Viewer shows the text version of the blocks project in the workspace.
Once you are ready to convert the blocks project to a text project, select the “Convert to Text Project” button in the bottom right of the Code Viewer.
If you have not yet saved your blocks project, a prompt will appear asking if you would like to save your project. Select save to save your project as a .vrblocks file.
For more information about saving a project, see these articles on Loading and Saving a VEXcode VR project (Windows, macOS, Chromebook, iPad, Android).
Once the blocks project is saved, the text workspace will appear with your converted project.
Once the project is converted, you can continue working on your text project or run the project.
Make sure to save your converted text project. For more information about saving a text project, see these VEX Library articles on Loading and Saving a VEXcode VR project (Windows, macOS, Chromebook, iPad, Android).