VEXos is a robotics operating system that harnesses the flexibility and power of VEX hardware for the rigors of competition and the diverse needs of education. This operating system, written completely by VEX Robotics, uses real-time processing for repeatable operation at the fastest possible speeds.
All of the VEX Smart Devices (Robot Brains, Controllers, Smart Motors, and sensors) contain their own internal processors and run special software. This software is what allows for advanced programming features. The best way to ensure that your VEX system is functioning properly is to keep the Robot's software up to date.
VEX IQ VEXos Updates
VEX IQ (2nd generation)
What's New With VEXos for VEX IQ (2nd generation)?
- Added support for Pneumatics
- Implemented safeguards to ensure all motors are equal
- Display VEXos Version on long check button press
To update VEX IQ (2nd generation) firmware, launch VEXcode IQ and follow the steps outlined in one of these articles:
VEX IQ (1st generation)
What's New With VEXos for VEX IQ (1st generation)?
- Added support for Pneumatics
- Implemented safeguards to ensure all motors are equal
- Display VEXos Version on long check button press
To update VEX IQ (1st generation) firmware, follow the steps in article that matches your device. This will guide you through downloading VEXos Utility for your device and updating firmware.
VEX EXP VEXos Updates
What's New With VEXos for VEX EXP?
- Added support for new AI Vision Sensor.
- Added ability to check VEXos Version by holding the Check button for 2 seconds.
- Other minor bug fixes.
To update VEX EXP firmware, launch VEXcode EXP and follow the steps outlined in one of these articles:
- Updating VEX EXP Firmware in App-based VEXcode EXP
- Updating VEX EXP Firmware in Web-based VEXcode EXP
VEX V5 VEXos Updates
What's New With VEXos for VEX V5?
- Added total motor power to devices screen
- Updated icon for 5.5W motor on devices screen
- Improved current limit calculation when using a mixture of 11W and 5.5W motors
- Other bug fixes and updates
To see the full VEXos changelog for V5, see this article.
To update VEX V5 firmware, launch VEXcode V5 and follow the steps outlined in this article.
A standalone VEXos updater is also available for both Windows and Mac.