Teaching STEM Education with VEX GO is flexible, and can be implemented in learning spaces of any size or type.

VEX GO is Part of a Bigger Picture

VEX GO is part of a VEX Robotics Continuum which goes from Kindergarten through high school. This continuum allows teachers to vertically align their curriculum, and students to build on important STEM and Computer Science skills from year to year. The construction set for the VEX GO robot is perfect for young students, and VEXcode GO will help students learn the basics of block-based coding.

The VEX continuum

VEX GO is a fun and exciting way to help young students form positive perceptions of STEM, Computer Science, and Engineering. Engaging young students in these topics has been shown to help them excel in STEM and Computer Science later in their education.1 VEX GO STEM Labs are designed with real-world robotics applications and scenarios to engage students and help create memorable learning experiences in the classroom.

VEX GO is Versatile

VEX GO was designed to be flexible and adaptable, to support a wide variety of STEM implementations and learning environments. The versatility of VEX GO facilitates quick and efficient building and clean-up, enabling teachers to use the same Kit in multiple ways. The structure of the lessons is such that a teacher can have students construct a build for 10 - 15 minutes, conduct the lesson for 20 minutes, then in the last few minutes of class, the students can take apart their robots and put the pieces away. The teacher can then repeat the process for the next period - with the same Kits; or in self-contained classrooms, kits can be stored in carrying cases that do not take up too much space in the classroom.

The coding component of VEX GO uses VEXcode GO, a block based coding interface that is supported across multiple platforms. It is available in both installable and web-based formats, to be adaptable for schools and classrooms no matter what technology they are currently using. Student groups will use one device per Kit, for coding STEM Labs and Activities. See the chart below for more information about the supported platforms and device availability.

  Installable VEXcode GO Web-based VEXcode GO
Platforms Supported Chromebooks
Android Tablets
Amazon Fire Tablets
macOS (with Chrome-based Browser)
Windows (with Chrome-based Browser)
Internet Connectivity Required? No Yes, via codego.vex.com
Auto-Save Projects? Yes No, Projects must be manually saved
Firmware Update in VEXcode GO? Yes, except Chromebooks (can update via VEX Classroom app) Yes, via codego.vex.com

This versatility of VEX GO means that administrators also have some flexibility when thinking about how to implement it in schools. Kits can be purchased individually or as Classroom Bundles. Each Classroom Bundle not only contain the materials of 10 Kits + Storage, they offer additional flexibility and functionality with Storage Bags to contain all of your Kit components and transport them easily, extra Pin Tools for student use, a Charging “Hub” to keep Batteries organized while charging, two boxes of extra pieces, and more.

Single Kit
Single Kit with Storage
Classroom Bundle
  • All VEX GO construction and electronic components
  • VEX Pin Tool
  • USB-C charging cable
  • VEX GO Field Tile
  • All VEX GO Kit contents
  • 2 Plastic Storage bins with molded sorted trays and parts locator sheets

Note: The VEX GO Kit comes pre-sorted into Storage bins

  • 10x VEX GO Kits with Storage plus
    • 24 Field Tile Walls
    • 10 Additional VEX Pin Tools
    • 2x Spare Part Boxes with Storage Bin
    • 2x USB-C 5-port charger system
    • 2x VEX GO Classroom Poster
    • 2 sets of Storage Bags - One for VEX GO Kits and one for Field Tiles and Field Walls.

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

VEX GO Classroom Bundle
VEX GO Classroom Bundle

For more detailed information about what is included in each Kit or Classroom Bundle see the VEX GO Kits page.

VEX GO for a Single Classroom

One single teacher uses VEX GO in the classroom.

Single Classroom Implementation
An individual teacher wants to purchase VEX GO to use as part of a STEM curriculum. Each student in the class can use VEX GO during the whole school year and the teacher incorporates VEX GO STEM Labs and Activities as part of their teaching and in classroom Learning Centers to give students hands-on learning experiences both through facilitated lessons, and independent student activities.
Classroom Average # of Students VEX GO Recommendation
Classroom A 10 Small Classroom Bundle
Classroom B 20 Classroom Bundle
Classroom C 30 Large Classroom Bundle
Teacher's Kit (Optional) N/A 1 Kit with Storage

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Angela’s Story - A classroom teacher

Angela is a classroom teacher in a private elementary school, where she has a lot of autonomy over her curriculum development. She saw VEX GO at a STEM education conference in March, and thought her students would love learning with the materials. Upon returning from the conference, Angela met with her principal and shared what she had learned about VEX GO. Her principal approved the funding to purchase the materials for the next school year.

The following school year, Angela began using VEX GO with her students. She started with the Intro to Building STEM Lab, to get her students familiar with how to build with pins and so many small parts. She found that the storage system helped keep her classroom organized, so she could focus her attention on the students’ learning, and not looking for loose parts. Over the course of the year, she was able to tie VEX GO into many different curricular areas, and each time, her students were engaged and enthusiastic about building things that they could move and code. Angela’s principal saw how well the students were learning, and offered other teachers funding to purchase materials the following year.

VEX GO for a Single Grade Level

One grade level in the school has VEX GO Kits for each classroom.

Single Grade Level
Each student in the grade level and all of the grade level teachers are able to use VEX GO in their own classroom all year. The teachers incorporate VEX GO STEM Labs and Activities as part of their STEM curriculum and classroom Learning Centers and give students hands-on learning experiences both through facilitated lessons, and independent student activities.
Class per Grade Average # of Students per Class VEX GO Recommendation
3rd Grade 2 Classes 10 (20 total) Classroom Bundle
2 Classes 20 (40 total) 2 Classroom Bundles
2 Classes 30 (60 total) 2 Large Classroom Bundles

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Naomi and Paul’s Story - Grade level partners

Naomi and Paul are 4th grade teachers in a charter elementary school. Their school has two classes per grade, so Naomi and Paul are able to make grade level decisions about curriculum together. They found that their students really enjoyed constructing with maker materials and Naomi and Paul loved having hands-on learning experiences in their classrooms. But the two agreed that they needed more structure in what they were trying to teach this way, and thought that VEX GO might offer just that.

Naomi dove right into using STEM Labs with her students, and found that the predictable nature of each Lab, and the structure built into them made it easy to establish routines and procedures with her students right away. Paul started with the VEX GO Activities as a Learning Center and was delighted with how the organization of the storage system helped keep his students accountable for their materials, and kept the space usable every day.

VEX GO for a “Specials” or Traveling Class

The STEM Teacher has a class set of VEX GO Kits that are used during the STEM “Special” over multiple classes and grade levels.

"Specials" or Traveling Class Implementation
Each 3rd-5th grade student is exposed to VEX GO during their STEM Class, and the school’s STEM Teacher uses Classroom Bundle materials and the VEX GO STEM Labs and Activities as a major component in the STEM curriculum for the year.
Class Average # of Students VEX GO Recommendation
STEM Class 10 Small Classroom Bundle
20 Classroom Bundle
30 Large Classroom Bundle
Optional: Teacher's Kit N/A 1 Extra Kit with Storage

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Lorne’s Story - A traveling STEM teacher

Lorne is a STEM teacher in a small school district, where he teaches in his own STEM classroom in one building for part of the week, then travels to the other elementary school in the district in the middle of the day to teach in different classrooms for the afternoon. Over the years, Lorne has struggled with planning and keeping track of lessons and materials with the constraints of travel, and has been looking for a product that would streamline all his planning and preparation. Lorne’s school district purchased a class set of VEX GO for STEM teachers this year, and it has made his traveling teaching so much simpler.

The first thing Lorne noticed was that every piece had a place, and he could grab the handles of the Bundle Storage Bags and get all of his materials to his car in one trip! For the first time, Lorne was able to teach the same lessons on the same day to both of his schools. In the instances where a piece was missing, he could supplement with one from his extra parts box, and his lesson was uninterrupted. Using the same organizational storage system for all of his classes let Lorne establish real routines and practices with his students, which can be a struggle in a once a week class. Lorne’s STEM curriculum is now better aligned between the schools in his district, and he can stay focused on engaging his students instead of travel logistics.

VEX GO for a Lending Library

The whole school has access to 1 class set of VEX GO Kits, and can sign them out on an as needed basis throughout the year.

Lending Library Implementation
The Librarian keeps the school’s VEX GO materials in the Library and teachers can sign out a class set for use in their classroom for supplemental lessons and activities connected to their curriculum.
Average # of Students in a Class VEX GO Recommendation
(for 1 class to sign out at a time)
10 Small Classroom Bundle
20 Classroom Bundle
30 Large Classroom Bundle
Optional: Teacher's Kit 1 Extra Kit with Storage

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Louise’s Story - A librarian with a Lending Library

Louise is a Librarian in a public elementary school. There is a space in the Library where teachers can sign out materials to use in their classrooms throughout the year. This year, her administrator added a class set of VEX GO materials to the Lending Library, and teachers have been borrowing them periodically to use with their students. This week, the STEM teacher used it with 3rd graders to build a “Helping Hand” grabbing arm, the resource room teacher used it to help a group of students who were having trouble visualizing fractions, and the 5th graders had a “robot parade” through the school!

Louise is responsible for keeping track of who has the materials, and each time they are returned, she checks to make sure all of the pieces are intact. With the storage boxes, she just has to look quickly and she can tell right away if something is missing, so the whole process is quick and easy. Sometimes she has her older student helpers check the kits for her. Louise keeps all of the sign out sheets as well, so she can show her administrator how VEX GO is being used over the course of the year, and that data can be used to make decisions about curriculum for the next year.

VEX GO for a Maker Space

The school’s shared Maker Space contains a class set of VEX GO Kits that can be used by the class and teacher that is using the space.

Maker Space Implementation
All students and teachers have access to the Kits while using the Maker Space, either during school with their class, or for after school clubs and activities.
Average # of Students
in a Maker Space
VEX GO Recommendation
(per Maker Space)
10 Small Classroom Bundle
20 Classroom Bundle
30 Large Classroom Bundle
Optional: Teacher's Kit 1 Extra Kit with Storage

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Elliot’s Story - A classroom teacher in a shared Maker Space

Elliot teaches in an elementary school that created a shared Maker Space through grant funding last year. The space is assigned on a rotating schedule throughout the week, and teachers can use it to do whatever projects or lessons they’d like. Each class is responsible for cleaning up after themselves each period, which has been a struggle, and Elliot found himself dreading his Maker Space periods. This year, Elliot decided to try working with VEX GO during his class’s Maker Space time, and now he and his students look forward to this period each week.

The Classroom Bundles and Kits are all labeled, so when the students enter the room, they can immediately get “their” Kits out, and get themselves ready. Elliot began with the VEX GO Activities, and found that his students were delighted to be able to make things and use them so quickly! But the best part for Elliot was that when it was time to clean up, it took just a few minutes for builds to be deconstructed, pieces organized, and Kits put away. Shortening his clean up time gave Elliot the confidence to try STEM Labs and found that he could bring his classroom curriculum into the Maker Space in more meaningful ways.

VEX GO for a Grade Level to Share (9 week engagement)

One grade level uses VEX GO, and each class has it for a portion of the school year. The same VEX GO Kits move from classroom to classroom according to a schedule.

Grade Level Sharing Implementation
Teachers know when they are going to have their turn with the VEX GO Kits, and work VEX GO STEM Labs and Activities into their curriculum planning. Every student in the grade level has experience with VEX GO during the year, for a shorter time.
Class Average # of Students Time Frame VEX GO Recommendation
Class 4A 20 September - November Classroom Bundle
(Optional: Teacher’s Kit
+1 Extra Kit)
Class 4B 18 November - January
Class 4C 20 January - March
Class 4D 18 March - May

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Austin’s Story - A STEM coordinator

Austin, a STEM Coordinator, purchases VEX GO Classroom Bundles to enable the 4th grade teachers in his school to pilot VEX GO as part of their STEM curriculum this year. He lays out a schedule, where each classroom has the materials for a 9 week time period, and gives the teachers this schedule from the start of the year so they can prepare. During their In Service time with Austin, the teachers pay particular attention to how all of the Classroom Bundles and Kits with Storage are organized.

The teachers keep a log with the materials of “tips and tricks” that they learned along the way, so that when they pass on the set to the next class, they can learn from each other’s experiences. When VEX GO reaches the last class for the year, that teacher now gets to learn from the other teachers, AND has all of the materials as organized and well kept as the teacher who started off the year. Instead of being at a disadvantage by having to wait until March to use VEX GO, that class is eager to get the experience. At the end of the year, Austin notices how well the system worked, and purchases more materials so that more students can use VEX GO in his school.

VEX GO for a School to Share (4 week engagement)

Multiple grade levels use VEX GO, and each class has it for approximately one month of the school year. The same VEX GO Kits move from classroom to classroom according to a schedule.

School Sharing Implementation
Teachers know what month they are going to have their turn with the VEX GO Kits, and work VEX GO STEM Labs and Activities into their curriculum planning, or use them as a “special” experience for their students.
Class Average # of Students Time Frame VEX GO Recommendation
3rd Grade - Class A 30 September Large Classroom Bundle +
Optional Teacher’s Kit with
3rd Grade - Class B 25 October
3rd Grade - Class C 27 November
4th Grade - Class A 30 December
4th Grade - Class B 22 January
4th Grade - Class C 25 February
5th Grade - Class A 30 March
5th Grade - Class B 26 April
5th Grade - Class C 28 May

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Joe’s Story - A principal in a large school

Joe, a principal of a large elementary school with a very limited budget, is always looking for ways to bring more active learning into his school. His teachers are resourceful and share devices and technology all the time, but with their class sizes, often struggle to bring hands-on learning activities into their classrooms on a regular basis. Joe presents his teachers with an option of trying out VEX GO in the upper elementary grades for a year, to see if this system can help address some of their STEM curriculum concerns, while still fitting into his budget. He draws up a plan, and each classroom teacher signs up for a month that they will have VEX GO Kits in their classrooms.

Joe visits the classrooms that are using VEX GO regularly, and notices how engaged the students and teachers are. He sees different implementations of the materials - from Center based activities, to full blown science lessons using the STEM Labs, to his 5th graders coding robots to drive around the classroom. The students are eager to show “Principal Joe” their robots, and their enthusiasm and excitement about learning is undeniable. Joe works with his administration to write a grant and do fundraising, in order to purchase more VEX GO Bundles for the following year.

VEX GO for Multiple Grades in a Large School

An administrator wants to put VEX GO Kits in all classrooms from 3rd-5th grade.

Multiple Grades in a Large School Implementation
An elementary school administrator wants to implement VEX GO Kits and materials as a large part of their STEM curriculum for 3rd - 5th grade. All 3rd - 5th grade students will have kits in their classrooms to use throughout the school year.
Grade # of Classes per Grade Average # of Students per Class VEX GO Recommendation
3rd Grade 2 Classes 25 2 Large Classroom Bundles
4th Grade 3 Classes 27 3 Large Classroom Bundles
5th Grade 3 Classes 30 3 Large Classroom Bundles
Total: 8 Large Classroom Bundles

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Terry’s Story - A principal in a large school

Terry, an elementary school principal in a large urban school, received a grant for STEM education for next school year. Terry has been wanting to find a way to unify the STEM curriculum across the school, to provide some continuity and scaffolding for students, particularly those in the upper elementary years. After looking at many products and platforms, Terry saw the benefits and versatility of VEX GO to reach a broad range of students, and the broad range of STEM experience of the classroom teachers as well. Terry purchased Classroom Bundles for each class in 3rd-5th grade, and created working groups among the teachers to give them a place to ask questions and to share their learning and experiences.

VEX GO for Multiple Grades in a Medium Sized School

An administrator wants to put VEX GO Kits in all classrooms from 3rd-5th grade.

Multiple Grades in a Medium Sized School Implementation
An elementary school administrator wants to implement VEX GO Kits and materials as a large part of their STEM curriculum for 3rd - 5th grade. All 3rd - 5th grade students will have kits in their classrooms to use throughout the school year.
Grade # of Classes per Grade Average # of Students per Class VEX GO Recommendation
3rd Grade 3 Classes 10 Large Classroom Bundle
4th Grade 2 Classes 18 2 Classroom Bundles
5th Grade 3 Classes 10 Large Classroom Bundle
Total: 2 Large Classroom Bundles + 2 Classroom Bundles

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Sonya’s Story - An administrator in a Charter School

Sonya, a charter school administrator, tried VEX GO in her school’s STEM class this year. The STEM teacher and the students enjoyed learning and working with VEX GO so much that Sonya has decided to make it a part of the upper elementary STEM curriculum. She is able to purchase enough Classroom Bundles, that even with varying sizes of her classes, each class can have their own set of materials. The STEM teacher will continue to have a set, and has agreed to be a mentor teacher for the classroom teachers as they use VEX GO with their students this year.

VEX GO for Multiple Grades in a Small School

An administrator wants to put VEX GO Kits in all classrooms from 3rd-5th grade.

Multiple Grades in a Small School Implementation
An elementary school administrator wants to implement VEX GO Kits and materials as a large part of their STEM curriculum for 3rd - 5th grade. All 3rd - 5th grade students will have kits in their classrooms to use throughout the school year.
Grade # of Classes per Grade Average # of Students per Class VEX GO Recommendation
3rd Grade 1 Class 10 Small Classroom Bundle
4th Grade 1 Class 9 Small Classroom Bundle
5th Grade 1 Class 18 Classroom Bundle
Total: 2 Small Classroom Bundles + Classroom Bundle

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

Dana’s Story - A principal in a small school

Dana is the principal of a small independent school that specializes in offering maker-based learning experiences to its students and families. Because the school is so small, Dana struggles with having as many high quality materials as she would like to have for each classroom, teacher, and student to be able to bring project based learning to life. Dana found out about VEX GO and was delighted to see that the price point of the product could make it possible to outfit multiple classes with materials in a short amount of time. She uses State funds, and supplements with fundraising efforts, to preorder more Classroom Bundles, and reinvigorates the STEM learning in her school from one year to the next.

A Multi-Year Approach to Bringing VEX GO to your School

VEX GO is designed to be an accessible and cost effective STEM solution for the widest range of schools and learning environments. The goal may be to have a VEX GO Kit for every classroom, but this can take time to work up to. Perhaps you begin with outfitting the 3rd grade with VEX GO this year. The next year, you purchase the same number of kits for the 4th grade, and the following year, for the 5th grade.

Class VEX GO Recommendation
2020 - 3rd Grade
(3 classes, 30 students each)
3 Large Classroom Bundles
2021 - 4th Grade
(4 classes, 20 students each)
4 Classroom Bundles
2022 - 5th Grade
(3 classes, 30 students each)
3 Large Classroom Bundles

Note: VEX recommends 1 Kit per 2 students. A Classroom Bundle includes 10 Kits, suitable for up to 20 students.

In the span of three years, the entire upper elementary school has used VEX GO for three consecutive years. The teachers that began with it initially, are able to mentor the teachers who are new to the platform in subsequent years, and students who began with VEX GO in 3rd grade, have continuity over the next two years. Teachers and students can begin with VEX GO Activities and work up to the building oriented STEM Labs. Then they can progress to using VEXcode GO through the coding STEM Labs, and finally to incorporating sensors and more complex computer science concepts through advanced STEM Labs, like Robot Arm. So while students will be using the same physical materials each year, they will be engaging with increasingly complex STEM concepts and knowledge, where VEX GO is the vehicle for learning and exploration over time.

1  Bers, Marina U. Coding As a Playground: Programming and Computational Thinking in the Early Childhood Classroom. 2018. Print.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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