Using the Drive Tab in VEXcode GO

VEXcode GO gives you the ability to drive a VEX GO robot directly from your device using a virtual remote control.

Diagram illustrating key features of VEXcode GO, including coding blocks, user interface elements, and programming capabilities for robotics.

Note: Drive Mode is not available on iPads running iOS 12.

Access the Drive tab in VEXcode GO

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface showing connection status to a device, highlighting key features and functionalities for users.

To access the Drive tab in VEXcode GO, first ensure the VEX GO Brain is connected to your device. For more information on connecting the Brain to your device, view the connection article from the VEX Library that matches your device.

Screenshot of the Drive tab in VEXcode GO, showcasing key features such as motor control, sensor integration, and movement options for programming robots.

Next, select the Drive tab. VEXcode GO will switch from coding mode to the driving mode.

Drive Mode

Once in Drive mode, you can drive your VEX GO robot using the joysticks at the bottom of the screen.

Note: Be sure to follow the motor connections within the Code Base build. The left drive motor goes in Port 4 and right drive motor goes into Port 1

You can change the type of joystick control for your robot by switching the Drive Mode to one of four different options:

  • Tank Drive
  • Left Arcade
  • Right Arcade
  • Split Arcade

Tank Drive

Diagram of a tank drive system with labeled components, illustrating key features relevant to VEXcode GO, including motors, wheels, and chassis layout.

Tank drive uses both joysticks. Select the Tank Drive icon. Two joysticks will be visible.

Diagram of a tank drive system used in VEX robotics, illustrating the configuration and movement mechanics, relevant to the Key Features of VEXcode GO.

The left joystick will move the left motor forward when moved up, and the left motor backwards when it is moved down. The right joystick works in the same way for the right motor.

  • To move your robot forward, move both joysticks up.
  • To move backward, move both joysticks down.
  • To turn your robot to the right, move your left joystick up and/or the right joystick down.
  • To turn your robotto the left, move the right joystick up and/or the left joystick down.

Left Arcade

Diagram illustrating the left arcade callout in VEXcode GO, highlighting key features and functionalities related to programming and robotics.

The left arcade only uses one joystick. Select the left arcade icon. The left joystick will be visible.

Left view of an arcade-style robot built with VEX components, showcasing key features of VEXcode GO, including sensors and motors, set against a neutral background.

  • To move your robot forward, move the joystick up.
  • To move your robot backward, move the joystick down.
  • To turn your robot to the right, move the joystick to the right.
  • To turn your robot left, move the joystick to the left.

Right Arcade

Illustration of VEXcode GO key features, showcasing various programming blocks and tools available in the software, designed for educational robotics and coding activities.

The Right arcade only uses one joystick. Select the Right arcade icon. The Right joystick will be visible.

Illustration of the VEXcode GO interface showcasing key features, including programming blocks and robot control options, designed for educational robotics.

  • To move your robot forward, move the joystick up.
  • To move your robot backward, move the joystick down.
  • To turn your robot to the right, move the joystick to the right.
  • To turn your robot to the left, move the joystick to the left.

Split Arcade

Illustration of the Split Arcade Callout feature in VEXcode GO, highlighting key functionalities and user interface elements for programming robots in educational settings.

The Split arcade uses two joysticks. Select the Split arcade icon. Both joysticks will be visible.

Image of a split arcade robot design showcasing key features of VEXcode GO, highlighting its modular components and versatility for educational robotics.

  • To move your robot forward, move the left joystick up.
  • To move your robot backward, move the left joystick down.
  • To turn your robot to the right, move the right joystick to the right.
  • To turn your robot left, move the right joystick to the left.

Arrow Icons

Image showing the ports and connections on a VEX robotics component, highlighting key features relevant to VEXcode GO.

The Remote Interface also has Arrow icons. These are two sets of green and red arrows.

The left set of arrows controls either the LED Bumper or a motor depending on which is plugged into Smart Port 2. The right set of arrows controls either the Electromagnet or a motor depending which is plugged into Smart Port 3.

The Smart Port 2 arrows make:

  • LED Bumper turn green (green arrow)
  • LED Bumper turn red (red arrow)
  • Spin the motor in Smart Port 2 forward with the green arrow (similar to using the VEX GO Switch)
  • Spin the motor in Smart Port 2 in reverse with the red arrow (similar to using the VEX GO Switch)

If no arrows are pressed, the LED Bumper turns off or the motor stops spinning.

Image showing the layout of port 3 on a VEX robot, highlighting its key features in the context of VEXcode GO, part of the GO category.

The Smart Port 3 arrows make:

  • The Electromagnet boost (green arrow)
  • The Electromagnet drop (red arrow)
  • Spin the motor in Smart Port 3 forward with the green arrow (similar to using the VEX GO Switch)
  • Spin the motor in Smart Port 3 in reverse with the red arrow (similar to using the VEX GO Switch)

If no Arrows are pressed, the Electromagnet is not activated or the motor stops spinning.

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface showing key features, including programming blocks and robot control options, designed for educational robotics.

Changing the settings in the middle boxes selects what kind of device you have in Smart Port 2 and 3.

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface showcasing key features, including programming blocks and robot control options, designed for educational robotics.

Note: There is also a timer you can use to measure your drive time.

The Remote Interface will allow you to control two Drive motors and also control up to two additional motors using the Direction icons.

Sensor Display

Screenshot displaying sensor data in VEXcode GO, highlighting key features such as sensor readings and data visualization tools for robotics programming.

The Drive tab display also has a set of feedbacks and measurements for the VEX GO Sensors.

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface displaying key features, including coding blocks and robot control options, highlighting the user-friendly design for programming educational robots.

These include feedback from the:

  • Brain
  • Drivetrain
  • LED Bumper
  • Eye Sensor

Brain: The Sensor display provides feedback from the Brain for the percent battery charge and the onboard accelerometer with readings for acceleration in the X-axis, the Y-axis, and the Z-axis.

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface showcasing key features, including coding blocks and robot control options, designed for educational robotics programming.

Drivetrain: The Sensor Display for the Drivetrain provides measurement for velocity, heading, and rotation.

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface displaying key features, including programming blocks and coding options, showcasing the user-friendly design for educational robotics.

LED Bumper: The Sensor Display for the LED Bumper indicates whether the LED Bumper is pressed (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface highlighting key features, including coding blocks and robot control options, designed for educational robotics programming.

Colorful rainbow circle graphic representing key features of VEXcode GO, illustrating the diverse functionalities and tools available in the programming environment.

Eye Sensor: The Sensor Display for the Eye Sensor indicates whether an object is found, if the sensor has detected the colors red, blue, or green, the brightness of the light the sensor is measuring, and the degree hue of color the sensor is measuring.

Using the Drive Tab with a VEX GO Competition Robot

All VEX GO Competition robots can be driven with the Drive Tab in VEXcode GO. Build instructions for the VEX GO Competition Hero Robots can be found here.

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface displaying key features, including a user-friendly layout, programming blocks, and interactive elements designed for educational robotics programming.

The Competition Base and Competition Base + Claw Hero Robots can be driven using any of the four Drive modes (left arcade, right arcade, split arcade, and tank drive) shown above.

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface highlighting key features, including programming blocks, tool options, and project navigation, designed for robotics competition use.

The Competition Advanced Hero Robot can be driven using any of the Drive modes. The arm motor, however, needs to be configured in order to move the arm using the Drive Tab.

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface highlighting key features, including programming blocks and workspace layout, designed for educational robotics programming.

In order to control the movement of the arm for the Competition Advance robot, the Port needs to be set to 'MOTOR' in the Drive Tab. Since the arm motor is plugged into Port 2, switch Port 2 to control the arm of the Hero Robot as shown in this image.

Screenshot of VEXcode GO interface highlighting key features, including coding options and user interface elements, demonstrating the software's capabilities for programming VEX robotics.

To control the arm motor, select the red and green arrows. Note that this controls the direction the motor spins, not necessarily the direction the arm moves. Students will need to press the red arrow in order to move the arm of the robot up and the green arrow to move the arm down.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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