Right-clicking or Long-pressing in VEXcode VR Blocks leads to many options.
The Context Menu in the Programming area
Right-clicking or Long-pressing in the Programming area in VEXcode VR Blocks leads to the following options:
- Undo: will reverse the most recent action.
For example, in the following project, the turn for block was deleted. Selecting “Undo” reverses that action.
- Redo: will reverse the “Undo.”
In the last example, the turn for block was deleted and the “Undo” reversed that action. Selecting “Redo” will reverse the “Undo” so that the turn for block is deleted.
- Clean up Blocks: organizes the blocks so that they are all in a vertical line.
Add Note: notes can be added to the programming area.
For more information about notes, view the article Notes - Tutorials - VEXcode VR.
- Delete Blocks: all of the blocks in the Programming area can be deleted at once.
For more information about deleting blocks, view the article Delete a Block - Tutorials - VEXcode VR.
The Context Menu of Block(s)
Right-clicking or Long-pressing on a block in VEXcode VR Blocks leads to the following options:
Duplicate Blocks: this action will make an exact copy of the blocks selected.
- Disable Block: This action will treat the block as a comment so that it has no effect on the project.
For more information about disabling blocks, view the article Disable and Enable Blocks - Tutorials - VEXcode VR.
- Enable Blocks: This action will enable a currently disabled block.
For more information about enabling blocks, view the article Disable and Enable Blocks - Tutorials - VEXcode VR.
- Delete Blocks: individual or groups of blocks can be deleted.
For more information about deleting blocks, view the article Delete a Block - Tutorials - VEXcode VR.