VEXcode VR is available offline only for users with an active VEXcode VR Enhanced or VEXcode VR Premium license. To learn how to activate your VEXcode VR Enhanced or VEXcode VR Premium license, go here.
Determine Which Installer You Need
To install VEXcode VR on a Mac computer, first determine and download the appropriate installer for your system.
On your Mac computer, select the Apple icon.
Select About This Mac from the dropdown menu.
If your computer says it has an Intel processor, you will need to download the Intel installer.
If your computer says it has an Apple chip, you will need to download the Apple Silicon installer.
Download the Installer
Go to the VR Admin System, located at
Note: If you're not logged into your VEX account, you'll be prompted to sign in.
Select Offline from the navigation bar on the left.
If your computer uses an Intel processor, select Download for Mac (Intel).
If your computer uses an Apple chip, select Download for Mac (Apple Silicon).
Install VEXcode VR
Once you have downloaded the correct installer for your Mac computer, double-click on the installer to begin the installation process.
The End User License Agreement will appear. Once you have read through the EULA, select Agree.
Once the installer has finished loading, the installation screen will open.
Click and drag the VEXcode VR application to the Applications folder.
If a dialog box asks you if you want to replace an existing VEXcode VR, select Replace.
Access your Applications folder and select VEXcode VR.
Log In with Your Class Code
On first launching VEXcode VR, you'll be asked to enter your VR Class Code. Type the code in and select Submit.
To learn how to create Class Codes for your VEXcode VR classes, go here.
Begin working in VEXcode VR.
Create a new project to get started with coding in VEXcode VR!
- Name and save your project.
- For help in understanding the blocks, access the Help feature.