Installing VEXcode VR on macOS

VEXcode VR is available offline only for users with an active VEXcode VR Enhanced or VEXcode VR Premium license. To learn how to activate your VEXcode VR Enhanced or VEXcode VR Premium license, go here.

Determine Which Installer You Need

To install VEXcode VR on a Mac computer, first determine and download the appropriate installer for your system.

Close-up of the Apple logo, 'Finder', and 'File' in the macOS menu bar, with the Apple logo highlighted with a red box.

On your Mac computer, select the Apple icon.

macOS menu bar dropdown showing the Apple logo with the 'About This Mac' option highlighted in red.

Select About This Mac from the dropdown menu.

Mac mini information showing a 2018 model with the 'Processor 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7' highlighted in red.

If your computer says it has an Intel processor, you will need to download the Intel installer.

MacBook Pro information showing a 13-inch, M1, 2020 model with the 'Chip Apple M1' highlighted in red.

If your computer says it has an Apple chip, you will need to download the Apple Silicon installer.

Download the Installer

Go to the VR Admin System, located at

Note: If you're not logged into your VEX account, you'll be prompted to sign in.

Offline highight.png

Select Offline from the navigation bar on the left.

offline mac .png

If your computer uses an Intel processor, select Download for Mac (Intel).

If your computer uses an Apple chip, select Download for Mac (Apple Silicon).

Install VEXcode VR

A file manager window displays the Downloads folder with a file named VEXcode VR-4.0.3-latest-mac-arm64.dmg highlighted in red. The file is 1.64 GB in size and is listed as a disk image.

Once you have downloaded the correct installer for your Mac computer, double-click on the installer to begin the installation process.

A software license agreement window titled VEXcode VR-4.0.3-latest-mac-arm64.dmg is displayed. The agreement text takes up the right side of the window, outlining the End User License Agreement for VEX Robotics. On the left, instructions tell the user to agree or disagree with the terms to continue the installation. At the bottom, three buttons are visible: Print, Save, Disagree, and Agree, with the Agree button highlighted with a red outline.

The End User License Agreement will appear. Once you have read through the EULA, select Agree.

Once the installer has finished loading, the installation screen will open.

A GIF showing the installation process for VEXcode VR 4.0.3-arm64 on macOS. The user drags the VEXcode VR icon from the left side of the window into the Applications folder icon on the right, following the on-screen arrow. The VEXcode logo and version number are displayed at the top of the window, guiding the user through the drag-and-drop installation process.

Click and drag the VEXcode VR application to the Applications folder.

In this GIF, the installation window for VEXcode VR 4.0.3-arm64 is displayed. The installation bar appears, fills completely, and then disappears. The top of the window displays the VEXcode logo and the version number.

If a dialog box asks you if you want to replace an existing VEXcode VR, select Replace.

An Applications folder window in macOS shows various app icons, including VEXcode VR, highlighted with a red outline. Other visible apps include VEXcode IQ, VEXcode V5, System Settings, TextEdit, Stickies, Stocks, TV, and Time Machine. The sidebar on the left displays navigation options such as AirDrop, Recents, Applications, Desktop, Documents, and Downloads. The VEXcode VR icon is positioned at the bottom right of the visible section of the folder.

Access your Applications folder and select VEXcode VR.

Log In with Your Class Code

On first launching VEXcode VR, you'll be asked to enter your VR Class Code. Type the code in and select Submit.

To learn how to create Class Codes for your VEXcode VR classes, go here.

A VEXcode VR interface shows a coding environment with a blue and white layout. On the left side, a vertical toolbar contains various categories such as Drivetrain, Magnet, Switch, Looks, Events, Control, Sensing, Operators, and Variables. Several blue blocks for controlling the drivetrain, like driving forward and turning right, are listed. On the right side, the workspace shows a yellow block labeled when started. At the top, a blue bar includes options like File, Tools, and buttons for saving the project and selecting or opening a playground. At the bottom, an error section indicates that there are no errors or warnings.

Begin working in VEXcode VR.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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