As the VR Rover traverses its alien environment, it will encounter many obstacles and hazards. The VR Rover will need to detect these to avoid getting stuck on an obstacle or falling into a hazard.
What Obstacles and Hazards are present in Rover Rescue?
The main obstacles that the VR Rover will encounter are rocks and plants native to the planet. The VR Rover can get stuck on these obstacles, so students must code the VR Rover to avoid them.
In addition to obstacles, there is a river that presents a hazard to the VR Rover; it must avoid falling into the river in order to survive. The VR Rover must cross the river using one of the bridges, as shown on the map.
Detecting Obstacles and Hazards
The VR Rover uses built-in AI technology to detect obstacles. The VR Rover can use AI technology to see a hazard or obstacle and then turn to avoid or go around it. See this article for more information on the AI technology built into the VR Rover.
Example Projects
Example projects can be used as a starting point for your code. See this article for more information on accessing and using example projects in VEXcode VR.