Configuring a Custom Robot in VEXcode GO

When building a custom robot with any of the following devices, each device will need to be configured to be available for use in VEXcode GO. These include:

  • Drivetrain - Drivetrain blocks
  • non-drivetrain Motor - Motion blocks
  • LED Bumper - Bumper Looks/Sensing blocks
  • Electromagnet - Magnet block
  • Eye Sensor - Eye Sensing blocks

Illustration of a brain with various ports, representing the configuration options for a robot in the GO category.

You can configure a device by selecting ’Add a device’ in VEXcode GO. You only need to configure the devices which you are using on your custom robot. You can add up to four Smart Port devices and one Eye Sensor.

Smart Port devices:

You can configure one build (set of devices) per project.

Adding a Device to the Configuration

Screenshot showing the configuration settings for a robot in the VEX GO category, illustrating various options and parameters for setup.

To add a device for your custom robot, select the Robot Configuration icon to open the Devices window.

Note: These steps need to be followed each time you add a new device to your custom robot.

Screenshot showing the configuration settings for a robot in the VEX Robotics software, highlighting key options and features for users to customize their robot's functionality.

Select ‘Add a device.’

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface showing options for robot setup, including motor and sensor configurations, in the context of configuring a robot for the GO category.


Adding a Drivetrain - Drivetrain blocks

Screenshot of codebase writing interface for configuring a robot, displaying various programming options and settings relevant to the GO category.

If your custom robot has a two-motor drivetrain, like the Code Base robot, you will need to add a Drivetrain to the configuration.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface, displaying settings and options for configuring a robot, relevant to the 'Configure a Robot' section in the GO category.

After selecting the ‘CUSTOM ROBOT’, select ‘DRIVETRAIN.’

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface, displaying options and settings for configuring a robot, relevant to the 'Configure a Robot' section in the GO category.

Select the Smart Port the Left Motor is plugged into.

Screenshot of the codebase configuration interface for a robot, illustrating the setup options and parameters available in the VEX robotics software.

Note: you can determine the drive side by looking from the rear of your robot to the front. The standard Code Base build has the left motor in port 4 and the right motor in port 1.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics software interface showing the configuration options for a robot, including settings for motors and sensors, in the context of configuring a robot in the GO category.

Select the Smart Port the Right Motor is plugged into.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface showing options for setting up a robot, including motor and sensor settings, in the context of configuring a robot for the GO category.

Select ‘DONE’ to complete the configuration or ‘CANCEL’ to return to the Devices menu.

Note: there is an option to change the Gear Ratio of the Drivetrain.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface showing settings for a robot, illustrating options and features available for configuring robot parameters in the GO category.

Once the Drivetrain has been configured, the following Drivetrain blocks will be available for your project.

For more information on the commands from the ‘Drivetrain’ category, view the Help information.

Adding a Motor - Motion blocks

Diagram of a 1-axis arm configuration for a robot, illustrating the mechanical structure and joints for proper setup in a robotics project.

If your custom robot has a motor which is a non-drivetrain motor, like the Robot Arm (1-Axis) build, you will need to add it to the configuration.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface, displaying options and settings for configuring a robot in the GO category, captured on October 24, 2020.

After selecting the ‘CUSTOM ROBOT’, select ‘MOTOR.’

Screenshot of the robot configuration interface showing various settings and options for programming a robot in the VEX platform, illustrating the process of configuring a robot for optimal performance.

Select the Smart Port the Motor is plugged into.

Diagram showing the configuration process for a VEX robot, illustrating various components and connections for setup in the 'Configure a Robot' section of the GO category.

Select ‘DONE’ to complete the configuration or ‘CANCEL’ to return to the Devices menu.

Note: there is an option to change the name of the Motor in the text window from Motor2 to a different name, and an option to change the direction the Motor spins.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface, displaying settings for a robot setup in the 'Configure a Robot' section of the GO category, with various options and parameters visible.

For example, if a motor lifts an arm on your custom robot, you can rename the motor to ArmMotor.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface, displaying options for setting up a robot, with various settings and parameters highlighted. Relevant for configuring a robot in the GO category.

Renaming the motor will make programming much easier because the name will show up on the Motion blocks.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface for a robot, displaying settings and options for configuring robot parameters and controls.

The actions of the motor can also be renamed to make your programming easier. For example, you could change the text window labels for the ArmMotor’s direction to up and down.

Note: for the Competition Advanced robot, the Normal/Reverse switch should be toggled to Reverse. 

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface showing settings and options for configuring a robot, with various parameters and controls visible on the screen.

Changing these labels will also show up on the parameters for the Motion blocks.

Diagram illustrating the configuration settings for a robot in the VEX GO category, showcasing various components and connections necessary for proper setup.

Once the Motor has been configured, the following Motion blocks will be available for your project.

For more information on the commands from the ‘Motion’ category, view the Help information.

Adding a LED Bumper - Bumper Looks/Sensing blocks

LED bumper for robot configuration, showing the design and features of the component used in robotics projects.

If your custom robot has a LED Bumper, you will need to add a LED Bumper device to the configuration.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface showing settings for a robot, including options for motors and sensors, relevant to the 'Configure a Robot' section in the GO category.

After selecting the ‘CUSTOM ROBOT’, select ‘LED BUMPER.’

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface, displaying settings for a robot, with various options and parameters highlighted, relevant to the 'Configure a Robot' section in the GO category.

Select the Smart Port the LED Bumper is plugged into.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface showing options for setting up a robot, with various settings and parameters displayed on the screen.

Select ‘DONE’ to complete the configuration or ‘CANCEL’ to return to the Devices menu.

Note: there is an option to change the name of the LED Bumper in the text window from LEDBumper3 to a different name.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface, displaying options for setting up a robot, including motor and sensor configurations, in the context of the 'Configure a Robot' section under the 'GO' category.

Once the LED Bumper has been configured, the following ‘Bumper Looks’ and ‘Bumper Sensing’ blocks will be available for your project.

For more information on the commands from the ‘Bumper Looks’ and ‘Bumper Sensing’ categories, view the Help information.

Adding an Electromagnet - Magnet blocks

Diagram of an electromagnet used in robotics, illustrating its components and connections for configuring a robot.

If your custom robot has an Electromagnet, you will need to add an Electromagnet device to the configuration.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface, displaying settings for robot configuration options, including motor and sensor settings, relevant to the 'Configure a Robot' section in the GO category.

After selecting the ‘CUSTOM ROBOT,’ select ‘ELECTROMAGNET.’

A VEX robot configuration interface displaying various settings and options for customizing robot behavior, with highlighted sections for easy navigation, relevant to the 'Configure a Robot' section in the GO category.

Select the Smart Port the Electromagnet is plugged into.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface showing options for configuring a robot, including settings and parameters related to the robot's operation and performance.

Select ‘DONE’ to complete the configuration or ‘CANCEL’ to return to the Devices menu.

Note: there is an option to change the name of the Electromagnet in the text window from Magnet2 to a different name.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface showing robot setup options, including motor and sensor configurations, in the context of configuring a robot for the GO category.

Once the Electromagnet has been configured, the following Magnet block will be available for your project.

For more information on the Magnet command, view the Help information.

Adding an Eye Sensor - Eye Sensing blocks

Diagram of a code base eye sensor used in robot configuration, illustrating its components and connections for programming and operation in robotics applications.

If your custom robot has an Eye Sensor, you will need to add an Eye Sensor device to the configuration. Note: The Eye Sensor must be plugged into the Eye Sensor port - NOT one of the 4 Smart ports.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface showing options for setting up a robot, including motor and sensor settings, in the context of configuring a robot for the GO category.

After selecting the ‘CUSTOM ROBOT,’ select ‘EYE.’

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface for a robot, displaying various settings and options to customize the robot's functionality. This image is part of the 'Configure a Robot' section in the 'GO' category.

Select ‘DONE’ to complete the configuration or ‘CANCEL’ to return to the Devices menu.

Note: Be sure the Eye Sensor is plugged into the Eye Port.

Diagram illustrating eye sensing technology for robot configuration, showing components and connections essential for enabling visual perception in robotic systems.

Once the Eye Sensor has been configured, the following Eye Sensing blocks will be available for your project.

For more information on the Eye Sensor commands, view the Help information.

Deleting a Device

Diagram illustrating the steps to replace components in a robot, featuring labeled parts and tools, relevant to the 'Configure a Robot' section in the GO category.

After you have added the devices, a device can be deleted by selecting the device.

Screenshot of the VEX Robotics configuration interface, displaying options and settings for configuring a robot in the GO category, with highlighted features and controls.

Selecting the ‘Delete’ option at the bottom of the screen will delete the device.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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