The Dashboard is a feature of the Virtual Playground for VEXcode VR. The Dashboard window displays all sensor values of the VEXcode VR Robot, which is helpful to reference when completing VEXcode VR Activities.
How to Open/Close the Dashboard
Select the Dashboard button at the bottom right hand corner in the Playground window to open the Dashboard.
The Dashboard will appear across the Playground window.
Select the Dashboard button at the bottom right hand corner in the Playground window to close the Dashboard.
How to Use the Reset Button
Select the Reset button at the bottom left hand corner in the Playground window to reset the VR Robot to it’s starting position on the Playground.
How to Track the Value of On-Board Sensors
Drivetrain Heading
Open the Dashboard to view the Drivetrain Heading. For more information about the Drive heading block, view the Help information.
Drivetrain Rotation
Open the Dashboard to view the Drivetrain Rotation. For more information about the Drive rotation block, view the Help information.
Front Eye
Open the Dashboard to view the Front Eye on the VR Robot. The Front Eye can detect if an object exists and if so, what color it is. For more information about the Front Eye, view the Features of the VEX VR Robot - VEXcode VR article.
Down Eye
Open the Dashboard to view the Down Eye on the VR Robot. The Down Eye can detect if an object exists and if so, what color it is. For more information about the Down Eye, view the Features of the VEX VR Robot - VEXcode VR article.
Location X
Open the Dashboard to view the X-coordinate Location of the VR Robot. For more information about the position of block, view the Help information or the Playground Coordinate System - VEXcode VR article.
Location Y
Open the Dashboard to view the Y-coordinate Location of the VR Robot. For more information about the position of block, view the Help information or the Playground Coordinate System - VEXcode VR article.
Location Angle
Open the Dashboard to view the Location Angle of the VR Robot. For more information about the position angle block, view the Help information.
Open the Dashboard to view the distance the VR Robot is traveling. For more information about the distance block, view the Help information.
How to use the camera
Top Camera
Open the Dashboard and select the “Top Camera” button at the bottom right hand corner in the Playground window. The Top Camera is an overhead view of the entire map.
The Top Camera then shows the overhead view.
Chase Camera
Open the Dashboard and select the “Chase Camera” button at the bottom right hand corner in the Playground window. The Chase Camera is a “behind the robot” view and is the default view when the Playground window is launched.