A project can be loaded and saved in VEXcode VR in a few ways.
Load an Existing Project
Load an existing project by selecting Load From Your Device from the File menu.
Select Choose File.
Use the iPad interface to navigate and open your existing project. VEXcode VR will only allow you to open files with a .vrblocks file extension.
Open an Example Project
Open an example project by selecting Open Examples from the File menu.
To learn more about using Example Projects in VEXcode VR view this article.
Rename a Project
To rename a project, select the Project Name window.
Select the text field to change the name of the project. You will only be able to select Save once the project's name is changed.
Select Save to rename the project.
Once saved, the name of project will be changed to its new name.
Important: Safari lacks autosave support. You must manually save your project's name changes to prevent data loss.
Save Using the File Menu
Open the File menu and select Save To Your Device.
A notification will appear and confirm that you wish to download your Project. Select Download to confirm.
In the toolbar on Safari, a download icon will appear when your project has successfully downloaded.
Important: Safari lacks autosave support. You must manually save your project after each change to prevent data loss.
Common Issues when Loading/Saving
A common issue when using VEXcode Project files (.vrblocks) is trying to select the .vrblocks file to be opened directly by the operating system.
If you try to open a VEXcode Project file (.vrblocks) by tapping it, it will open to a blank text page.
All VEXcode VR Project files (.vrblocks) can ONLY be opened within VEXcode VR. View the Load an Existing Project section from this article for more information.