Loading and Saving a VEXcode VR Project on macOS

A project can be loaded and saved in VEXcode VR in a few ways.

Note: Due to browser limitations, different web browsers will display varying options for saving and loading. Be sure to follow the instructions specific to your browser. Don't see your browser listed? Make sure your browser supports VEXcode VR here.

Check for Autosave Compatibility

Browser compatibility for autosaving varies. To determine if your browser supports this feature, follow these steps:

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project name section at the top center of the screen. The project is labeled as VEXcode Project and is highlighted with a red outline. To the right of the project name, the status Not Saved is displayed, indicating the project has not been saved. To the left, undo and redo buttons are visible, allowing the user to reverse or reapply recent changes.

Select the project's name.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project save dialog. The project name is VEXcode Project with an editable field. Below, the text Autosave Capable Browser is highlighted with a red outline, indicating that the browser supports automatic saving. Additional information such as the Class, Code, and Tier (Premium) is displayed.At the bottom, there are options for Saving help, Cancel, and a disabled Save button.

If the web browser can support autosave, it will say Autosave Capable Browser.

If autosave is available, VEXcode will automatically save all changes once you've opened or initially saved a project to your computer.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project save dialog. The project name is VEXcode Project in an editable text field. Below, the text Autosave Unavailable is highlighted with a red outline, indicating that the autosave feature is not active. Additional information such as Class, Code, and Tier (Premium) is displayed. At the bottom, options for Saving help, Cancel, and a disabled Save button are visible.

If the web browser cannot support autosave, it will say Autosave Unavailable.

If autosave is not available, you must manually save your project after each change to prevent data loss.

View the "Save Using the File Menu" section of this article to learn how to save your project.

Open an Existing Project

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR interface showing the Load and Save functionality, featuring options to load existing projects and save current work, designed to assist users in managing their coding projects within the virtual programming environment.

Open an existing project by selecting Open from the File menu.

A file manager window displays the Downloads folder with a file named VEXcode Project.vrblocks highlighted with an orange outline. The file size is 630 bytes, categorized as a document. The file was added today at 4:46 PM. The sidebar on the left shows navigation options such as Setapp, AirDrop, and other favorites.

Use the macOS interface to navigate and open your existing project. VEXcode VR will only allow you to open files with a .vrblocks file extension.

Firefox or Safari

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the File menu dropdown. The

Open an existing project by selecting Load From Your Device from the File menu.

A file manager window displays the Downloads folder with a file named VEXcode Project.vrblocks highlighted with an orange outline. The file size is 630 bytes, categorized as a document. The file was added today at 4:46 PM. The sidebar on the left shows navigation options such as Setapp, AirDrop, and other favorites.

Use the macOS interface to navigate and open your existing project. VEXcode VR will only allow you to open files with a .vrblocks file extension.

Open an Example Project

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR interface showing the 'Load and Save' options, illustrating how users can manage their coding projects in the online programming environment designed for learning coding concepts with a virtual robot.

Open an example project by selecting Open Examples from the File menu.

Learn more about using example projects in VEXcode VR view this article.

Rename a Project

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project name section at the top center of the screen. The project is labeled as VEXcode Project and is highlighted with a red outline. To the right, the status Not Saved is displayed, indicating the project has not been saved. To the left, undo and redo buttons are visible for reversing or reapplying recent changes.

To rename a project, select the Project Name window.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project save dialog. The project name is VEXcode Project, displayed in an editable text field that is highlighted with a red outline. Below the project name, options such as Class, Code, and Tier (Premium) are visible, though some details are blurred. At the bottom, there are buttons for Saving help, Cancel, and a disabled Save button. The text Autosave Capable Browser is shown just below the project name.

The text inside the Project Name window will be highlighted. Type in the new name of your project.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project save dialog. The project name has been updated to Robot Drive, displayed in an editable text field. Below, the text Autosave Capable Browser is visible. Information about Class, Code, and Tier (Premium) is shown, though some details are blurred. At the bottom, there are buttons for Saving help, Cancel, and a blue Save button highlighted with a red outline, indicating that the project is ready to be saved.

Once the project name has been changed, the Save button will be enabled.

Select Save to apply the new name to your project.

A save dialog box shows a file being saved as Robot Drive.vrblocks. The file is set to be saved in the Downloads folder, with the Save button highlighted in blue and outlined in red, indicating that the action is ready to be completed. There is also an option to add tags, which is currently left blank. A Cancel button is present next to the Save button, allowing the user to cancel the save action if needed.

Select where you want to save your project and then select Save.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR interface showing the Load and Save options, highlighting features for managing projects in the online programming environment designed for coding education with virtual robots.

The autosave indicator to the right of the project's name will now change to Saved.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project save dialog. The project name is Robot Drive, displayed in an editable text field. Below, the text Autosave Capable Browser is visible. Information such as Class, Code, and Tier (Premium) is displayed, though some details are blurred. At the bottom, there are buttons for Saving help, Cancel, and a Save As button highlighted with a red outline, indicating the option to save the project with a new name.

Now when you select the Project Name window, the Save button will have changed to a Save As button.


A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project name section at the top center of the screen. The project is labeled VEXcode Project and is highlighted with a red outline. To the left, undo and redo buttons are visible, allowing the user to reverse or reapply recent changes. The status of the project is not displayed in this section.

To rename a project, select the Project Name window.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project save dialog. The project name is VEXcode Project, displayed in an editable text field that is highlighted with a red outline. Below, the text Autosave Unavailable is visible, indicating that the autosave feature is not active. Information such as Class, Code, and Tier (Premium) is shown, though some details are blurred. At the bottom, there are options for Saving help, Cancel, and a disabled Save button.

The text inside the Project Name window will be highlighted. Type in the new name of your project.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project save dialog with the project name set to Robot Drive. Below the project name, the text Autosave Unavailable is visible, indicating that the autosave feature is not active. Information such as Class, Code, and Tier (Premium) is displayed, though some details are blurred. At the bottom, there are options for Saving help, Cancel, and a blue Save button, which is highlighted with a red outline, indicating the option to save the project.

Once the project name has been changed, the Save button will be enabled. Select Save to apply the new name to your project.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project name section at the top center of the screen, labeled Robot Drive. To the left, undo and redo buttons are visible, allowing the user to reverse or reapply recent changes. The project name is displayed without any status indication such as saved or unsaved. The interface is primarily blue with a minimal design.

The project name will change at the top of the project.

Important: Firefox does not support autosave. Project name changes won't be saved until you manually save the project to your device.


A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project name section at the top center of the screen, labeled VEXcode Project and highlighted with a red outline. To the left, undo and redo buttons are visible for managing recent changes. The project name is displayed without any indication of whether it has been saved or not. The interface uses a blue and white color scheme.

To rename a project, select the Project Name window.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project save dialog with the project name set to VEXcode Project, displayed in an editable text field highlighted with a red outline. Below the project name, the text Autosave Unavailable is visible. Information such as Class, Code, and Tier (Premium) is shown, though some details are blurred. At the bottom, there are options for Saving help, Cancel, and a disabled Save button.

The text inside the Project Name window will be highlighted. Type in the new name of your project.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project save dialog with the project name set to Robot Drive. Below the project name, the text Autosave Unavailable is visible. Information such as Class, Code, and Tier (Premium) is shown, though some details are blurred. At the bottom, there are options for Saving help, Cancel, and a blue Save button, highlighted with a red outline, indicating that the project can be saved.

Once the text inside the text field has changed, the Save button will be enabled. Select Save to apply the new name to your project.

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the project name section at the top center of the screen, labeled Robot Drive. To the left, undo and redo buttons are visible, allowing the user to reverse or reapply recent changes. The project name is displayed without any status indication such as saved or unsaved, and the interface uses a blue and white color scheme.

The project name will change at the top of the project.

Important: Safari does not support autosave. Project name changes won't be saved until you manually save the project to your device.

Save Using the File Menu

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the File menu dropdown. The

Open the File menu and select Save or Save As

A save dialog box shows a file being saved as VEXcode Project.vrblocks. The file is set to be saved in the Downloads folder, with the Save button highlighted in blue, indicating that the action is ready to be completed. There is also an option to add tags, which is currently left blank. A Cancel button is present next to the Save button, allowing the user to cancel the save action if necessary.

Select where you want to save your project and then select Save.

An error message displayed on a gray background reads:

Your file will be saved in the chosen location.


A close-up of the VEXcode VR interface shows the File menu dropdown. The

Open the File menu and select Save To Your Device.

A download notification is visible at the top of the browser window, indicating that a file named VEXcode Project.vrblocks has been successfully downloaded. The file size is 651 bytes, and the status shows

The save notification will appear at the top of the browser.

The Downloads folder is open, displaying a file named VEXcode Project.vrblocks. The file size is 630 bytes, and its type is listed as a document. The date added shows as today at 4:46 PM. The left sidebar shows various folders, including Setapp, Dropbox, and AirDrop. The macOS window controls (red, yellow, and green buttons) are visible at the top left of the window.

Your file will be saved to the default download location.

Important: Firefox does not support autosave. Any changes to the project won't be saved until you manually save the project to your device.


The File menu in the VEXcode VR interface shows the

Open the File menu and select Save To Your Device.

The upper toolbar of the VEXcode VR interface shows a download icon outlined in red. This icon is located next to the Share, Feedback, and Step/Stop buttons. The interface features additional options for sharing, duplicating, or adding items in the project.

The download notification will appear at the top of the browser.

The Downloads folder on the Mac shows a file named

Your file will be saved to the default download location.

Important: Safari does not support autosave. Any changes to the project won't be saved until you manually save the project to your device.

Common Issue when Loading/Saving

The image displays a Mac Finder window with a file named Drive.vrblocks in the Downloads folder. A dialog box indicates that no application is set to open the document. The options include selecting an application manually or searching the App Store for a compatible application.

A common issue when using VEXcode project files is trying to select the project to be opened directly by the operating system.

To open these files correctly, any VEXcode VR files must be opened in VEXcode VR.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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