Viewing the Devices Screen on the V5 Brain

The Devices Screen on the V5 Brain can be a useful tool to view data and values about the Brain and devices connected to the Brain. 

Steps to view the Device Info on the V5 Brain

Diagram illustrating the components and features of the V5 Robot Brain, including labels for ports, power input, and communication interfaces, relevant to the V5 Category Description.

Turn on the V5 Robot Brain by pressing and holding the Home button on the Brain.

Diagram illustrating the components and features of the V5 Robot Brain, highlighting its connectivity options and functionalities for robotics applications.

Tap the Devices icon.

Diagram illustrating the components and features of the V5 Robot Brain, including labels for various ports and connectors, designed to help users understand its functionality and setup.

This opens the Device Info page. All items connected to the Smart Ports on the Brain will be shown in ports 1-21. 3-Wire Devices will be shown under the triangle icon.

To open device information about an item, tap the icon. For this example, tap the Brain icon.

Diagram illustrating the V5 Robot Brain components and connections, including ports and power supply, relevant to the V5 Category Description.

This will show the values of the Brain including the name, VEXos version, and other information.

Viewing other information with the Devices Screen

The Devices Screen can also be used to view values and data from other devices connected to the V5 Brain, like motors and sensors. View the following articles to learn more about using the Devices Screen in different capacities: 

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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