The Project Stepping feature provides the user with important visual that help users to troubleshoot or better understand a project's flow. When a project is run, Fling the Hero Bot will run as instructed, but it may not be how the user intended. Having the ability to see the blocks being executed one step at a time gives the user a better visual of which blocks may be causing the error.
How to Use the Project Stepping Feature
Select the step button located at the top right of the VEXcode VR toolbar.
Once selected, a green highlight will appear around the {When started} block to indicate where the program is beginning, and then immediately moves to highlight the first block in the stack. The highlight will stay on the first block after {When started} until the step button is selected again.
Note: the highlight will immediately move past a [Comment] block, because [Comment] blocks do not change the project or blocks surrounding it.
Select the step button again to run the block that is highlighted. Once the block has been executed, the next block will become highlighted.
Continue to use the step button to run through the project one block at a time.
Debugging with the Project Stepping Feature
The Project Stepping feature slows down the flow of the project and provides immediate visual feedback. This allows the user to go through the project one block at a time to observe behavior and correct mistakes.
In this example, the intention is for Fling to intake a Ball and score the Ball in the High Goal. However the turn in the project is turning in the wrong direction, and thus the Ball will not be scored in the High Goal.
Run the project step by step using the Project Stepping feature until a mistake is observed.
Correct the mistake.
The mistake in this example was that Fling was coded to turn left 155 degrees, however this direction does not put Fling at the correct angle for the Catapult to shoot the Ball into the High Goal. The turn direction should be changed from left to right.
Then run the project again from the beginning using the Project Stepping feature. Repeat this process until the project runs correctly.