Update the Coder Using the VEX Classroom App

The firmware on one or multiple Coders can be updated at a time using the VEX Classroom app.

Navigate to your device’s app store and search for ‘VEX Classroom’ to download the app if you have not done so already.

VEX Classroom application icon.

Note: the VEX Classroom app is available on the Apple App Store for iPads, iPhones, iPod Touches, on the Google Play Store for Android phones and tablets, and on the Amazon Appstore for Fire Tablets.

Update the Coder using the Classroom app

Screenshot of the VEX Classroom App, with two connected Coders shown in a list. One Coder is shown in green meaning that it's up to date, and the other is shown in red meaning that it needs to be updated.

The Coder must be updated using the VEX Classroom app.

Update one Coder’s Firmware

Screenshot of the VEX Classroom App, with two connected Coders shown in a list. One Coder is shown in green meaning that it's up to date, and the other is highlighted and shown in red meaning that it needs to be updated.

To update one Coder’s Firmware, select the Coder that you wish to update. Coders that need a firmware update will be shown in red.

Screenshot of the VEX Classroom App with an out of date Coder's menu opened and the 'Update' button in the center of the screen highlighted.

Select ‘Update’ from the list of options.

Screenshot of the VEX Classroom App with an out of date Coder's menu opened and a progress bar under the Coder's name to indicate that it is updating. The option buttons are greyed out to indicate that the Coder can't be interacted with until it is done updating.

A progress bar will appear to show the progress of the update. Note that all other options will remain unavailable until the update has finished.

View this animation to see how a Coder will blink green and red while it is updating. It will glow yellow and then return to flashing green once the update is complete.

Note: the update length has been shortened for the animation. An actual firmware update may take up to 2 minutes.

Screenshot of the VEX Classroom App with a Coder's menu opened and the Coder's name shown in green to indicate that it is done updating.

Once the update is complete, the Coder name and icon will now show green in the app. Note that the ‘Update’ option is unavailable since the Coder is now up to date.

Update multiple Coders’ Firmware

Screenshot of the VEX Classroom App with two out of date Coders listed and the 'Update All Devices' button at the top highlighted.

To update the firmware on multiple Coders at once, select ‘Update All Devices.’

Screenshot of the VEX Classroom App with two out of date Coders listed and the 'Updating All' button at the top greyed out. One Coder has a progress bar to indicate that it is currently updating.

Progress bars will appear to show the progress of each Coder’s update as well as the overall update for all Coders. Note that the ‘Update All Devices’ option changes to ‘Updating All’ until the updates have finished.

Screenshot of the VEX Classroom App with two Coders listed and the 'Updating All' button at the top greyed out. One Coder has finished updating and the next has a progress bar to indicate that the Coders update one at a time.

Note that one Coder will update at a time.

View this animation to see how a Coder will blink green and red while it is updating. It will glow yellow and then return to flashing green once the update is complete.

Note: the update length has been shortened for the animation. An actual firmware update may take up to 2 minutes.

Screenshot of the VEX Classroom App with two up to date Coders listed and the Update button at the top reading 'All Devices Up To Date.

Once the update is complete, the Coders’ name and icon will now show green in the app. Note that the ‘Update All Devices’ option has changed to ‘All Devices Up To Date’ since all Coders are now up to date.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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