Create a New Project
A new project opens when VEXcode 123 is opened. But, a new project can also be opened from the File Menu.
File - New Blocks Project
Select 'New Blocks Project' from the File Menu.
Save Dialog
When creating a new project, a prompt will appear asking to save if the current project has not already been saved. See the Save a Project section for details on how to save a project.
Open an Example Project
File - Open Examples
Open an example project by selecting ‘Open Examples’ from the File menu.
Open an Existing Project
File - Open
Select 'Open' from the File Menu to open an existing project.
Open a Project
Select the file to open a project.
Named Project
The project will open in the Workspace, and the name of the project will appear in the Project Name area.
Save a Project
A project can be saved in VEXcode 123 by using the File Menu and Save as a copy.
Save Using the File Menu
File - Save
Open the File menu and select ‘Save.’
Default Save Location
The iPad’s file menu will then open. The default location that will open is ‘VEXcode 123 Recents.’ Select the Create Document icon to save a new project.
Change Save Location
If you wish to change the save location from ‘VEXcode 123 Recents,’ navigate to the location where you want to save the project by using the ‘Back’ button in the top-left corner.
New Save Location
Then, select a new save location.
Name the Project
After selecting the Create Document icon, use the keypad to name your new project.
Confirm the Name
Select ‘OK’ after naming the project.
Automatic Saving
After a project is saved, VEXcode 123 will automatically save all changes in a project.
Save a Copy
File - Save As
To make a copy of a project under a different name or in a different location, select ‘Save As’ in the File menu.