V5 Workcell Kit Storage - Bin 3: Competition Hardware

This article will cover the pieces from the V5 Workcell Kit that will be organized into Storage Bin 3.

There is only one component to organizing Storage Bin 3:

Diagram illustrating the V5 Workcell Storage setup for CTE (Career and Technical Education), featuring labeled components and layout for efficient organization and accessibility of tools and materials.


This article organizes each piece in Bin 3 and provides the following information in a table form from left to right:

  • Part: This is the name of the part. Hyperlinks are provided for replacement parts available to purchase individually at vexrobotics.com.
    Photo: This is an image of the part. Use this for reference while unboxing your kit and building the V5 Workcell.
  • Part Number: If a part comes in a larger kit, bag, or box, the part number of the kit, bag, or box and the individual part number is provided. Use these part numbers to identify your pieces while unboxing and then building the V5 Workcell.
  • Quantity: This is the quantity of each part provided. Use this to ensure you have the correct number of parts in each location in the Bin while unboxing.
  • Bag Notes: This column provides information about how the part or parts in that kit, bag, or box will be received. If the parts come in a larger kit, bag, or box, an image of the label is provided for reference. Use these for reference when unboxing your kit.
  • Location: This is an image of the Bin with a highlight on where the part should be placed in that Bin. This information can also be useful while building the V5 Workcell if a reminder is needed for where a part is located.
    • Helpful Hints: These are provided in the Location column. These hints provide extra context or information on packaging, identifying part numbers, or tips for additional organization.

Storage Bin 3: Base

Part Photo Part Number Quantity Bag Notes Location
Red 5x Pitch Weighted Disk Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage setup for Career and Technical Education, showing organized storage solutions and equipment layout for efficient workspace management.

This part comes in this pack: 276-7472-804

Individual part number: 228-3445-2250

10 36 Disks will come in one bag.

Two of each color to be placed in Bin 2.

The other 30 Disks will go into Bin 3.

Diagram showing the arrangement of disks in Bin 3 for V5 Workcell Storage, indicating that 30 disks will be stored in this bin, relevant to Career and Technical Education.
Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions in Career and Technical Education, highlighting organization and accessibility of tools and materials for efficient workspace management.

Helpful Hint: Use a large resealable bag to keep the Disks together in this Bin. These can be bagged with all 30 Disks together or in 3 bags separated by color.
Green 5x Pitch Weighted Disk Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage layout, illustrating the arrangement of tools and equipment for optimal organization in a Career and Technical Education setting. This part comes in this pack:

Individual part number:
Blue 5x Pitch Weighted Disk Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage system for CTE (Career and Technical Education), illustrating the layout and organization of storage components for efficient workflow management. This part comes in this pack:

Individual part number:
High Strength Chain Attachment Link Kit Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage setup for CTE (Career and Technical Education), featuring labeled components and layout to optimize workspace organization and efficiency. 276-7578 18 links Comes in multiple bags of 6 links.

Only one bag is needed for Bin 1.

The other bags will be placed in Bin 3.
Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions in Career and Technical Education, highlighting organization and accessibility of tools and materials for efficient workspace management.
Gear Kit Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage setup for Career and Technical Education, showcasing various storage components and their arrangement for optimal organization and accessibility in a technical workspace. 276-2169 1 Comes in one box. Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions in Career and Technical Education, highlighting organization and accessibility of tools and materials for efficient workspace management.
30T High Strength Sprocket

Note: This part is currently being transitioned from green to red.
Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage system, illustrating the layout and organization of storage components for Career and Technical Education applications, highlighting efficient space utilization and accessibility. This part comes in a pack:

Individual part number:
8 Comes in the High Strength 30-Tooth Sprocket packs.

High Strength 30-Tooth Sprocket 4-pack for V5 Workcell Storage, used in CTE applications. Two packs required for Bin 3.

Only two of these 4-packs are needed for Bin 3.

The other pack will go in Bin 1.
Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions in Career and Technical Education, highlighting organization and accessibility of tools and materials for efficient workspace management.
Red VRC License Plate Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage system, illustrating organized storage solutions for Career and Technical Education, featuring labeled compartments and equipment arrangement for efficient workspace management. This part comes in this kit:

Individual part number:
1 These parts come in one bag.

Bag containing various parts for V5 Workcell Storage, related to Career and Technical Education (CTE), illustrating components included in the assembly.
Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions in Career and Technical Education, highlighting organization and accessibility of tools and materials for efficient workspace management.
License Plate Alphabet Sheet Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage system for CTE, illustrating the layout and organization of storage components within the workcell environment, showcasing efficient space utilization and accessibility for educational purposes. This part comes in this kit:

Individual part number:
License Plate Number Sticker Sheet Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage setup for CTE (Career and Technical Education), illustrating the arrangement and organization of storage components within the workcell. This part comes in this kit:

Individual part number:
High Strength Conveyor Chain Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage setup, illustrating the arrangement and organization of tools and materials for efficient use in Career and Technical Education (CTE) environments. 276-7141 18 chains Comes in multiple bags of 6 chains.

Only one bag is needed for Bin 1.

The other bags will be placed in Bin 3.
Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions in Career and Technical Education, highlighting organization and accessibility of tools and materials for efficient workspace management.
15x30 Base Plate Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage layout, illustrating organized storage solutions for Career and Technical Education, featuring labeled sections for tools and materials. 276-1341-003 3 These come in three boxes of two Base Plates.

You will need to open one of these boxes while organizing your storage bin to create two sets of three.
Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions in Career and Technical Education, highlighting organization and accessibility of tools and materials for efficient workspace management.
5x15 Steel Plate Diagram illustrating the V5 Workcell Storage system for CTE (Career and Technical Education), showcasing the arrangement and organization of components within the workcell. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
2 Comes in the V5 Classroom Structure Kit.

V5 Classroom Structure Kit image showcasing the V5 Workcell Storage components, including various storage solutions designed for organizing and managing educational robotics materials in Career and Technical Education settings.
Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions in Career and Technical Education, highlighting organization and accessibility of tools and materials for efficient workspace management.
2x2x25 Angle Diagram illustrating the V5 Workcell Storage layout for CTE (Career and Technical Education), showing the arrangement of components and storage areas for efficient organization and accessibility. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
1x1x25 Steel Slotted Angle Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions for CTE (Career and Technical Education), showcasing various storage configurations and components designed to enhance organization and efficiency in educational environments. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
5x25 Steel Plate Diagram illustrating the V5 Workcell Storage setup for Career and Technical Education, showcasing the arrangement and organization of components within the workcell. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
1x2x1x15 Steel C-Channel Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage system, illustrating the layout and organization of storage components for CTE (Career and Technical Education) applications, highlighting key areas for efficient workspace management. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
1x2x1x25 Steel C-Channel Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage setup for Career and Technical Education, illustrating the arrangement and organization of storage components within the workcell environment. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
1x2x1x20 Steel C-Channel Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage system, illustrating various storage components and organization for efficient use in Career and Technical Education (CTE) settings. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
2x2x2x20 U Channel Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage setup for Career and Technical Education, illustrating the arrangement and organization of storage components within the workcell environment. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
2x2x20 Steel Angle Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage system, illustrating various storage components and their arrangement for effective organization in a Career and Technical Education setting. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
1x25 Steel Bar Diagram of V5 Workcell Storage system showing organized storage solutions for tools and materials in a Career and Technical Education setting, illustrating optimal space utilization and accessibility. Comes in this box:

Individual part number:
12” Drive Shaft Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage setup for CTE (Career and Technical Education), featuring labeled components and organization of storage elements for efficient workspace management. 276-1149 4 Comes in 1 pack of 4. Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage solutions in Career and Technical Education, highlighting organization and accessibility of tools and materials for efficient workspace management.


Once all of the parts from the Workcell Kit have been placed into the base of Storage Bin 3, the base will look like this image.

Diagram illustrating V5 Workcell Storage setup for CTE (Career and Technical Education), featuring labeled storage components and organization layout to optimize workspace efficiency.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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