Opening and Saving VEXcode 123 Projects on an Android

Create a New Project

A new project opens when VEXcode 123 is opened. But, a new project can also be opened from the File menu.


Select New Blocks Project from the File menu.


Note: when creating a new project, a prompt will appear asking to save if the current project has not already been saved. See the Save a Project section for details on how to save a project.

Open an Example Project


Open an example project by selecting Open Examples from the File menu.

Open a Recent Project


Open the list of recent projects from the File menu.


Then, select a recent project to open it.

Open an Existing Project


Select Open from the File menu to open an existing project.


Select the file to open a project.


The project will open in the Workspace, and the name of the project will appear in the Project Name area.

Save a Project

Save Using the File Menu


A project can be saved in VEXcode 123 by using the File menu and selecting Save.


Select Save after naming the project.

After a project is saved, VEXcode 123 will automatically save all changes in a project.

Save a Copy


To make a copy of a project under a different name or in a different location, select Save As in the File menu.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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