Starting a Project in VEXcode 123

Starting a project with VEXcode 123 can be completed in just three steps. 

VEXcode 123 with an example blocks project in the workspace. The Save indicator on the Toolbar is to the right of the Project Name field. The Save indicator reads 'Saved' and is highlighted.

First, save the project.

Note: if using a Web-based version of VEXcode 123, the 'Saved' indicator will not show in the Toolbar. View the Loading and Saving VEXcode 123 Projects on a Chrome Browser article for more information on how to save Web-based VEXcode 123 projects.

VEXcode 123 Toolbar with the Robot icon highlighted to the left of the Start icon.

Next, connect the device to the 123 Robot and check that the Robot icon is green in the Toolbar.

VEXcode 123 Toolbar with the Start icon highlighted in between the Robot and Step icons.

Finally, select ‘START’ to start running the project.

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