Troubleshooting Playground Selection in Safari-based Web Browsers

For non-Safari browsers, a default Playground is loaded automatically when the Playground window is opened.

When using Safari, a default Playground is not automatically loaded when the Playground window is opened. Instead, the user must select the Playground they want to use.

Selecting a Playground in Safari

Icons representing 'Start' and 'Step' functions in VEXcode VR, a programming environment for virtual robots, used for coding education and troubleshooting in STEM learning.

Select the Playground, Start, or Step icons in the Toolbar to open the Playground window.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR interface showing the 'Select a Playground' option, illustrating the process for users to choose a virtual environment for programming their robot in the troubleshooting section.

Once the Playground Window opens, there will be a message to select a Playground to get started.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR interface showing the playground selection dropdown menu, used for troubleshooting coding issues in the virtual robot programming environment.

Open the drop-down Playground menu and select the desired Playground.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR troubleshooting interface, displaying options and information to assist users in resolving issues while programming a virtual robot.

The Playground will load and the project can be started.

VEXcode VR will remember the Playground previously loaded. If the window is closed and then reopened, the previous Playground selected will be reloaded.

Changing Playgrounds

Screenshot of a dropdown menu in VEXcode VR, showing options to change playground settings, used for troubleshooting coding and simulation issues in the online programming environment.

To change Playgrounds, open the drop-down Playground menu and select a new Playground.

Screenshot illustrating the process of reloading a page in VEXcode VR, part of troubleshooting guidance for users learning coding concepts through the virtual robot programming environment.

The page may reload due to Safari memory limitations.

Screenshot of VEXcode VR interface displaying a new playground loaded, showcasing the virtual robot environment for coding and programming activities, relevant to troubleshooting coding issues.

After the page has reloaded, the new Playground will open.

Note: While reloading, the page may momentarily show an empty project. This is only temporary. The project created will be retained and reloaded.

Opening an Example Project in Safari

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR interface displaying an example project selection screen, illustrating the block-based coding environment used for programming a virtual robot, relevant to troubleshooting coding issues.

Screenshot of VEXcode VR troubleshooting section, displaying an example project titled 'Playground Auto Opens' with visual elements highlighting coding blocks and simulation features for teaching programming concepts.

When a user opens an example project in Safari, the corresponding Playground will automatically open.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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