Variable and sensor monitoring available in the VEXcode GO Monitor Console provides important visual cues that allow the user to see what is happening in a VEXcode GO project in real time. The Monitor Console allows users to make a visual connection between the project and the actions of the GO Robot. Monitoring sensor and variable values in the Monitor Console allows the user to view real-time reports of a specific value (or multiple values) in a project.
How to Use the Monitor Console
To open the Monitor Window and view the Monitor Console, select the Monitor icon next to the Help.
The Monitor Console reports Sensor and Variable values.
Blocks that return a numeric value or Boolean value can be monitored. These include blocks that are oval shaped (numeric reporter) and hexagonal shaped (Boolean).
To start monitoring a sensor value, select the parameter to be monitored in the block within the Toolbox.
Next, select and drag the block to the Monitor Console icon in the Workspace.
If a block can be monitored, a green arrow will appear over the Monitor Console icon in the workspace.
If a block cannot be monitored, a red icon showing a circle with a line through it will appear over the Monitor Console icon.
To remove sensor values from the Monitor Console, select the X next to the value to be removed.
Monitoring Variables and Lists
Variables in the Toolbox can be added to the Monitor Console by selecting and dragging the variable block to the Monitor Console icon in the Workspace. VEXcode GO always begins with a “myVariable” variable. For information about adding a new variable and variable naming in VEXcode GO, click here.
To remove variables from the Monitor Console, select the X next to the variable to be removed.
Lists can also be added to the Monitor Console. Before being added to the Monitor Console, lists and 2D lists must be created.
To add an existing list or 2D list, select and drag the associated list block to the Monitor Console icon in the Workspace.
To remove a list from the Monitor Console, select the X next to the list to be removed.