Configuring a VEX GO Super Car

When starting to create a project in VEXcode GO, blocks from the Drivetrain and Sensing categories will not appear in the Toolbox until a Super Car has been configured.

You can only configure one build per project.

Adding a Super Car

Icon of a configuration button for robot settings, used in the context of configuring a robot in the GO category.

To configure a Super Car, select the Devices button to open the Devices window.

Image showing the process of adding a device in the configuration settings for a robot, featuring a user interface with options and buttons related to device management.

Select ‘Add a device.’

Illustration of a Super Car selection interface for robot configuration in VEX GO category, displaying various options and settings for customizing robot performance.

Select ‘SUPER CAR.’

Diagram showing a list of ports for configuring a robot, including labeled connections and their functions, relevant to the GO category.

Once the Super Car is selected, a list of ports will appear. Check that all assigned ports match your finished build.

Button labeled 'Done' for confirming selections in the robot configuration process.

Select ‘DONE’ to complete the configuration or ‘CANCEL’ to return to the Devices menu.

Note: Selecting 'Cancel' will close the Super Car Configuration and take you back to the Devices window with no devices configured.

Diagram showing various blocks used in robot configuration for programming in the VEX platform, illustrating connections and functionalities for effective robot setup.

Now that the Super Car has been configured, blocks from the Drivetrain and Sensing categories appear in the Toolbox.

Deleting a Super Car

Icon representing the 'Delete' action for configuring a robot, indicating the option to remove settings or components in the GO category.

A Super Car can also be deleted by selecting the ‘DELETE’ option at the bottom of the screen.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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