Using the Code Viewer in VEXcode IQ is easy and helpful.
How to open the Code Viewer
Launch VEXcode IQ.
The platform defaults to the Blocks interface.
Select the Code Viewer icon to open the Code Viewer window.
The Code Viewer window displays the C++ version of the Blocks project.
If using a VEX IQ (2nd generation) Brain, you can also select "Python" from the bottom menu to see the Python version of the Blocks project.
Hide the Code Viewer window when finished by selecting the right arrow next to the Help icon.
How text commands are added when blocks are added
Add a [Print] block to the project.
Select the Code Viewer icon to open the Code Viewer window.
Notice that the print command will also be added to the Command Viewer window.
How text commands are deleted when blocks are deleted
Delete the [Print] block from the VEXcode IQ project.
Note: for more information on how to delete a block, view the Delete a Block article from the VEX Library.
Notice that the print command will also be deleted from the Command Viewer window.