The VEX Visual Studio Code Extension has replaced VEXcode Pro V5, which is now end-of-life.
VEXcode Blocks and VEXcode Text remain actively developed and supported for all VEX platforms.
Sample: A sample program for a robot to go a straight distance
The following function will allow the robot to run forward for totalEnc
encoder. It uses the V5 Clawbot configuration.
This spinToPosition
function will not return until movement is complete. This is called “synchronized” action – determined by the last parameter true
Without using a user-defined function:
int main() { vexcodeInit(); LeftMotor.resetPosition (); LeftMotor.setVelocity(100.0, percent); LeftMotor.spinToPosition(500.0, deg, true); Brain.Screen.printAt(5,30, "secs rev deg" ); Brain.Screen.printAt(5,60, "%.2f: %8.2f %8.2f", Brain.Timer.value(), LeftMotor.position(rev), LeftMotor.position(deg)); wait(1000, msec); LeftMotor.resetPosition (); LeftMotor.setVelocity(-100.0, percent); LeftMotor.spinToPosition(-1000.0, c, true); Brain.Screen.printAt(5,100, "secs rev deg" ); Brain.Screen.printAt(5,130, "%%.2f: %8.2f %8.2f", Brain.Timer.value(), LeftMotor.position(rev), LeftMotor.position(deg)); wait(1000, msec);
The sample may give the following result:
secs raw rev deg 2.06 5445 3.12 1089
Do note that your test will vary within a very small margin in the decimal places.
With a user-defined function:
The following sample shows how to capture a set of operations into a single reusable “function” call.
void reportMotionValues() { Brain.Screen.printAt(5, 60, "%.2f: %8.2f %8.2f", Brain.Timer.value(), LeftMotor.position(rev), LeftMotor.position(deg)); } int main() { vexcodeInit(); LeftMotor.resetPosition(); LeftMotor.setVelocity(50.0, percent); LeftMotor.spinToPosition(500.0, deg, true); reportMotionValues(); LeftMotor.resetPosition (); LeftMotor.setVelocity(-50.0, percent); LeftMotor.spinToPosition(-500.0, deg, true); reportMotionValues(); }
Here shows the sequence of logic flow from the caller function main():