Configuring the V5 Controller in VEXcode Pro V5

When starting to program with VEXcode Pro V5, Controller commands will not appear in the Command Reference until a Controller has been configured.

  • You can only configure two Controllers per project.
  • A Clawbot Template (Drivetrain) example project is used for the following configuration of a Controller.

Adding a Controller

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5 category, showing various components and their connections, including motors, sensors, and structural elements, to aid in understanding the setup process.

To configure a Controller, select the Robot Configuration button to open the Robot Configuration window. A project must be open in order to use the Robot Configuration window.

Diagram illustrating the configuration options for V5 robots, showcasing various components and their arrangement for optimal performance in robotics applications.

Select “Add a device.”

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5 category, showing various components and their connections, with labeled parts for clarity in understanding the setup.

Select "Controller."

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5, showcasing various components and their arrangement, relevant to the V5 Category Description.

If you want to program the Controller using VEXcode Pro V5, select “Done” to complete the configuration or “Cancel” to return back to the Robot Configuration window.

Note: If you want to configure the Controller for use without programming, see the additional options below.

Changing a Controller’s Left and Right Buttons

Diagram illustrating the configuration of a V5 robot, showcasing various components and their arrangement for optimal performance in robotics applications.

You can change which motors the Left and Right buttons control by selecting the buttons to cycle through the motors until the desired motor is shown.

Note: The motors must be configured before assigning actions to buttons. For more information on how to configure motors, click here.

Changing a Controller’s Joysticks

Diagram illustrating the configuration of a V5 robot, showcasing various components and their arrangement for optimal performance in robotics applications.

You can change the drive-mode of the robot by selecting the Joysticks to cycle through the modes until the desired mode is shown. The four modes are: Left Arcade, Right Arcade, Split Arcade, Tank.

Note: The Drivetrain must be configured before assigning a drive-mode. A Drivetrain can be configured with a gyro and without a gyro.

Changing a Controller’s Arrow and Letter Buttons

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5 category, showcasing various components and their arrangement for optimal performance in robotics applications.

You can change which motors the Arrow and Letter buttons control by selecting the buttons to cycle through the motors until the desired motor is shown.

Note: The motors must be configured before assigning actions to buttons. For more information on how to configure motors, click here.

Note: Only the Up and Down Arrow buttons and X and B Letter buttons are configurable. 

Switching the Direction of a Controller’s Buttons

Diagram illustrating the configuration of a V5 robot, detailing component placements and connections for optimal performance in robotics applications.

The Controller Settings window also allows the swap arrow to switch which buttons control each direction of the motor.

Deleting a Controller

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5 category, showing various components and their connections, with labels indicating specific parts and functions.

A Controller can also be deleted by selecting the “Delete” option at the bottom of the window.

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