Configuring the V5 Vision Sensor with the Expert Robot Configuration in VEXcode Pro V5

Open a Project

Diagram illustrating the configuration of a VEX V5 robot, showcasing various components and their arrangement for optimal performance in robotics applications.

Enable Expert Robot Configuration

Diagram illustrating the configuration of a V5 robot, showcasing various components and their arrangement to aid in understanding the setup process.

Accept Terms of Expert Robot Configuration

Diagram illustrating the configuration of a V5 robot, showcasing various components and their arrangement for optimal performance in robotics applications.

Include New File

Diagram illustrating the configuration of a V5 robot, showcasing various components and their arrangement, relevant to the V5 Category Description and Robot Config section.

Right click on the ‘include’ dropdown and select “New File.”

Add Vision Sensor Configuration File

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5 category, showcasing various components and their arrangement for optimal performance.

Select the ‘Vision Sensor Configuration(.h)’ C++ file.

Assign the Vision Sensor to a port.

Name the file [name of file].h

Click the Create button.

NOTE: The file name MUST contain the correct extension of “.h”, the file cannot be created without it.

Launch the Vision Utility

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5, showcasing various components and their connections, including motors, sensors, and structural elements, to aid in understanding the setup and functionality of the V5 robotics system.

Click on the newly created Vision Sensor File to open the file.

Click on the Configure button to launch the vision utility.

Place an Object in View

Diagram illustrating the configuration options for V5 robots, including various components and their placements, as part of the V5 Category Description in the Robot Config section.

Place an object in front of the Vision sensor so that it takes up most of the screen and click on the 'Freeze' button to lock the screen.

Select the Object's Color

Diagram illustrating robot configuration for V5 category, featuring labeled components and connections, demonstrating setup for optimal performance in robotics applications.

Click and drag a bounding box on the color/object to be tracked. Make sure to have the bounding box contain mainly the color of the object and not little to none of the background.

Assign the Color

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5, featuring labeled components and connections to aid in understanding the setup process.

Click on one of the seven 'Set' checkboxes to assign that color to a signature slot.

Calibrate the Color Signature

Diagram illustrating the configuration of a V5 robot, showcasing various components and their connections, relevant to the V5 Category Description section on Robot Config.

Click on the double-sided arrow icon to the right of the 'Clear' button and use the slider to calibrate the Vision Sensor to best detect the color signature. For best results, drag the slider until most of the colored object is highlighted while the background and other objects are not.

Name the Signature

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5 category, showcasing various components and their arrangement for optimal performance.

Click on the SIG_1 text field in order to rename the color signature.

Press the Freeze button once more to allow the Vision Sensor to resume tracking. Move the colored object within the field of view of the Vision Sensor to ensure that it is being tracked. If the tracking is working as intended, close out of the Vision Utility.

Diagram illustrating the configuration of a V5 robot, showcasing various components and their arrangement for optimal performance in robotics applications.

The color signatures can also be changed in the text editor via the Vision Sensor Configuration file.

To configure the Vision Sensor to detect more colors, repeat steps 5-9.

NOTE: The Vision Sensor is sensitive to different levels of light. The color signatures might need to be re-calibrated if the levels of light in the robot's environment change.

Open main.cpp

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5 category, showcasing various components and their arrangement within the robot system.

Click main.ccp to open the file.

Modify main.cpp

Diagram illustrating the robot configuration for V5 category, showing various components and their arrangement, including motors, sensors, and structural elements.

Type out
#include "[name of Vision Sensor file].h".

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