Using the Vision Utility with the V5 Vision Sensor

Understanding Pixels and Resolution

Diagram illustrating the features and components of the V5 Vision Sensor, including its camera, LED indicators, and connection ports, highlighting its role in robotics for object detection and tracking.

Notice that the image above is made up of tiny squares. These squares that make up images are called pixels. Pixel is a term that is derived from two words: picture and element. They are the smallest unit of a display, that are used in various combinations of brightness and color to form images.

Resolution describes the clarity of an image by the number of pixels both horizontally and vertically packed into a given area. The more pixels you have in this area the higher the resolution and the clearer the image. Resolution is given as the number of horizontal pixels by the number of vertical pixels.

Pixels and resolution can also be used to describe the capture capabilities of a camera or in this case the Vision Sensor.

Understanding the Vision Sensor’s Resolution

Diagram of a vision sensor used in V5 robotics, illustrating its components and functionality, including the camera, LED indicators, and connection ports, to aid in understanding its application in robotic projects.

Notice that the Vision Sensor has a resolution for 316 pixels horizontally by 212 pixels vertically. Because the Vision Sensor's resolution is 316 by 212, the maximum range of detection is 0 to 315 on the X-axis and 0 to 211 on the Y-axis.

Understanding the Vision Sensor

VEX V5 Vision Sensor mounted on a robot, showcasing its design and features for detecting objects and colors in robotics applications.

Look at the Vision Sensor above. It is capable of tracking up to 7 color signatures at once, including multi-colored objects.

The Vision Sensor can be connected via USB to live stream the camera's feed, which is used as part of the procedure for configuring a color signature.

However, the Vision Sensor does have limitations. The Vision Sensor cannot be connected to stream for capturing color signatures and operate with the V5 simultaneously.

Interpreting the Vision Sensor's live stream using the Vision Utility

Close-up image of a VEX V5 Vision Sensor, showcasing its design and features, including the lens and mounting points, used for robotics applications.

Look at the image above. The Vision Utility origin or the (0,0) position is located at the upper left of the window and increases the X position as you move to the right and increases the Y position as you move down.  

Once a signature is recorded, the Vision Sensor will track an object with that signature.  

The Vision Sensor will track the objects' origin in the upper left corner and also the object's width and height in pixels. This will allow for real-time continuous tracking of the object's position within view of the Vision Sensor.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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