Whitelisting Requirements for VEX Websites and Software

This article is intended for IT administrators and network managers looking to set up access for their district or school devices.

To access VEX websites, resources, and use VEXcode or other VEX services on networks with strict security settings, certain domains need to be allowed, or whitelisted, through your firewall or content filter.

The table below lists the essential domains that need to be allowed, along with their respective ports and protocols.

Domain Description Ports Protocol
*.vexrobotics.com VEX Robotics websites 443 HTTPS
*.vex.com VEX platforms and VEXcode websites 443 HTTPS
*.vimeo.com VEX videos 443 HTTPS
*.instructions.online 3D build instructions 443 HTTPS
*.google.com Google Docs and Slides 443 HTTPS
*.vexcode.cloud VEXcode services 443 HTTPS
www.robotevents.com Verify team access for competitions 443 HTTPS

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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