Using AI Classifications with the AI Vision Sensor

AI Classifications are Game Objects that an AI Vision Sensor can detect. These classifications allow the AI Vision Sensor to distinguish between different types of objects in its field of view.

AI Classification Models

There are two different AI Classification Models available for the AI Vision Sensor to use. These Models change what objects the AI Vision Sensor can detect.

Classroom Elements

The Classroom Elements model includes game objects found within the EXP Classroom Bundles and IQ Classroom Bundle.

The AI Classifications include:

  • Blue and Red Buckyballs
  • Blue, Red, and Green Rings
  • Blue, Red, and Green Cubes

In Text-based VEXcode, each of these classifications has an assigned ID which is what is used to differentiate between them in projects.

Game Object AI Classification Python ID C++ ID

Blue and Red Buckyballs

Blue Ball ClassroomElements.BLUE_BALL blueBall
Red Ball ClassroomElements.RED_BALL redBall


Blue, Red, and Green Rings

Blue Ring ClassroomElements.BLUE_RING blueRing
Green Ring ClassroomElements.GREEN_RING greenRing
Red Ring ClassroomElements.RED_RING redRing


Blue, Red, and Green Cubes

Blue Cube ClassroomElements.BLUE_CUBE blueCube
Green Cube ClassroomElements.GREEN_CUBE greenCube
Red Cube ClassroomElements.RED_CUBE redCube


Competition Elements

The Competition Elements model includes game objects for the 2024-2025 V5RC game "High Stakes".

Game Object AI Classification Python ID C++ ID
Mobile Goal ClassroomElements.MOBILE_GOAL mobileGoal
Red Ring ClassroomElements.RED_RING redRing
Blue Ring ClassroomElements.BLUE_RING blueRing


Enable AI Classification Detection

To be able to detect AI Classifications, its Detection Mode must first be enabled in the AI Vision Utility.


Select Configure in the AI Vision Sensor's device menu.

The AI Vision Utility will open. Select the toggle underneath AI Classification to turn on the AI Classification Detection Mode.

Select which AI Classification model to use.

For more information on what AI Classifications are included in each model, go to the "AI Classification Models" section in this article.

Select Close to exit the AI Vision Utility.

You will see the new AI Classification Detection Mode be set to on and the AI Classifications that will be detected are added at the bottom of the AI Vision Sensor's device menu.

Select Done to save your changes to the AI Vision Sensor's configuration.

Coding with AI Classifications

To see the AI Vision Sensor move in real time and interact with AI Classifications, use the Detecting AI Classifications (AI Vision) Example Project found within VEXcode V5.

To learn how to use Example Projects in VEXCode V5, go here.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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