Using the VIQRC Rapid Relay Playground Window

The VIQRC Rapid Relay Playground is a virtual representation of the Field for the VIQRC Rapid Relay (2024-2025) Competition game. The VIQRC Rapid Relay Playground Window is a space for the Hero Bot, Swish, to interact and move to play VIQRC Rapid Relay Virtual Skills. 

VIQRC RR PG Window 1.png


How to Choose Your Starting Position

VIQRC RR PG Window Starting pos 1.png

The default starting position is at the “B” location, in the "North" direction, with Ball 2 at location 3. Select the Starting Position button to choose a different starting position. 

VIQRC RR PG Window Starting pos 2.png

The starting location, direction, and Ball 2 location can be edited in the Pre-Match Checklist, by selecting the Edit button for each option. 

VIQRC PG Window Starting pos 3 copy.png

Select A or B to choose the starting location. You will see the position of the robot on the Field layout change when the location is changed.

VIQRC RR PG Window starting pos 4 copy.png

Select NorthSouthEast, or West to choose the starting direction. You will see the position of the robot on the Field layout change when the direction is changed.

VIQRC RR PG Window starting pos 5 copy.png

Select 1, 2, 3, or 4 to choose the Ball 2 location. You will see the Ball on the Field layout change position when the location is changed.

VIQRC RR PG Window starting 6.png

Select Begin Run to set your selections and begin your run.

How to Start, Stop, and Reset a Project 

VIQRC RR PG Window start.png

Select the Start button to start a project.

This button will change to a Stop button when a project is actively running.

VIQRC RR PG Window stop.png

Selecting the Stop button will stop the project and the timer immediately.

The Score Window will appear at this time. See below for more information on the Score Window.

VIQRC RR PG Window Reset.png

Select the Reset button to reset the timer, point value, and Field.

How to Rapid Load a Ball

VIQRC RR PG Window Rapid Load 1.png

Once a Ball has been scored, the Rapid Load buttons will become active. Select these buttons to place a Ball on the Field in either of the Rapid Load locations.

VIQRC RR PG Window RL 1.png

Select the RL 1 button to load a Ball in Rapid Load location 1. 

VIQRC RR PG Window RL 2.png

Select the RL 2 button to load a Ball in Rapid Load location 2.

VIQRC RR PG Window RL Eye.png

You can select the Rapid Load Preview button at any time to view the Rapid Load locations on the Field.

How to View Your Score and the Timer 

VIQRC RR PG Window Score.png

Your score can be seen above the Field on the left side. This will be updated in real-time after the project is started.

VIQRC RR PG Window Timer.png

The timer is located above the Field on the right side.

The timer begins when a project is started and counts down from 1:00. The timer will count down until Stop is selected, the Stop project block is used in the project, or the timer reaches 0 seconds.

How to Retry and Close the Score Window

VIQRC RR PG Window Retry 2.png

Select the Retry button to return to the Field and reset the timer and score.

VIQRC RR PG Window xbutton 2.png

Select the X in the top-left corner to close the Score Window and return to the Field.

This will not reset the Field, timer, or score. It will return to the Field exactly as it was at the moment the project was stopped.

How to Expand and Shrink the Playground Window

VIQRC RR PG Window Expand.png

The window begins at a smaller size by default. If you want to expand the window, select the Expand button at the top left corner.

VIQRC RR PG Window Shrink.png

Select the Shrink button in the top-left corner to return the window to the default size.

How to Hide and Show the Playground Window

VIQRC RR PG Window Hide.png

Select the Hide button to collapse the Playground Window. This will still keep the blue toolbar at the top of the window visible.


To view the full window again, select the Show button.

How to Select Different Camera Views 

VIQRC RR PG Window camera.png

Select the Top Camera button to see an overhead view of the entire Field. This is the default view when you open the VIQRC Rapid Relay Playground Window.

VIQRC RR PG Window side camera.png

Select the Chase Camera button to see a behind-the-robot view.

How to View Settings

VIQRC RR PG Window settings.png

Select the gear icon to open the Settings window.

VIQRC RR PG Window Settings 2.png

Data about your device will be displayed in the Settings window. This can be used to help troubleshoot any performance issues.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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