Teacher Support Materials in VEX CTE Courses

At VEX Robotics, we strive to provide you with the structure and support that you need to plan and implement VEX CTE Workcell Courses with your students. CTE Workcell Courses are designed to build students' understanding of industrial robotics through hands-on experiences. 

The VEX CTE Workcell Courses Teacher Portal contains resources to support your teaching, including the following features:

  • A Facilitation Guide for Each Unit – The Facilitation Guide gives you guidance and support for each Lesson in the Unit, including an overview of each Lesson, information about materials and set up, helpful articles, teaching guidance and troubleshooting tips, help with implementing engineering notebooks and assessment and reflection tools.
  • Engineering Notebook as a Learning Tool Video –This video provides information about using students' engineering notebooks as powerful formative assessment tools throughout CTE Workcell Courses.
  • Sample Learning Targets –To help you get started co-creating learning targets with your students, each Unit includes examples that you can use as a jumping off point with your class.
  • Pacing Guides – A Cumulative Pacing Guide is provided to help you plan instruction that works for your school calendar and classroom needs.
  • Education Standards Alignment – VEX CTE Workcell Course Lab Units align with Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Common Core Math and ELA, Next Generation Science (NGSS) and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards. You can view a listing of the content standards, as well as Where and How the Standards are Met within the Unit's activities. 
  • Master Materials List – Find all the materials needed to complete a Course in this guide
  • Industry Standards Alignment – Course Units are also aligned with Industry Standards, including the Society for Manufacturing Engineers. You can view VEX CTE Workcell Industry Standards here.
  • Debrief Conversation Rubric – To support facilitation of the Debrief Conversation at the end of each Unit, there is a Rubric provided that you can use to ensure that you and your students are set up for success with this student-centered assessment.
  • Letter Home – An editable Letter Home is included for each Course to communicate with your classroom community about what students are doing and learning with VEX CTE, so that they can continue the conversation at home.
Infographic illustrating key strategies and resources for educators in Career and Technical Education (CTE), featuring visual elements that support teaching methodologies and student engagement.

The Teacher's Portal in a VEX EXP CTE Course can be accessed by selecting the Teacher Portal button at the top of the main curriculum page.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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